We survived Sandy!!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2011
News Flash: Georgie Boy Cruise Master 32' survived 92 mile an hour winds parked between 2 trucks on Long Island. Wow what an experience. So far in the 3 years i have been a full timer I  have been through the coldest winter, hottest summer and now a real Hurricane!!!!
Congratulations! Glad you survived. Where'd you hunker down, a truck stop?
Sounds like parking between two Semi's was a good idea.. Good thing they did not fly off like tonka toys.

Glad to hear you made it

Suggestion: Next hurricane.. Try parking in Kansas!!!! (But not in tornado season)

Arizona is good too, not many tornados there either.  But straight line winds can be a female canine.
I think your rig is a freak of nature... I wouldn't try that again.  ;D

Be prepared for future damages though...  Caulking around windows may have vibrated loose, ditto for roof attachments. I would inspect everything with a who-done-it magnifier glass. Just in case...

I only mention this because after one hurricane I went through, many boats were happy to be unscathed... until they went sailing and their rig fell down.  The vibration from the hurricane winds on the rigging simply loosened it up to the point that it couldn't support the masts when put under the pressure of sailing. 

Hopefully nothing is wrong with the motorhome, but I would sure check over seams and roof and attachments.

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