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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Hondo, TX
Howdy, Y'all.

We're watching Hurricane Dennis!! Although it is estimated to hit Pensacola, it is so large that we (in southeast FL) will probably get winds and rain. We'll see. We hope that any RV Forumites in Dennis' path will be safe.

Might be time to get out of Dodge Liz. Stay safe.
Jackliz said:
Howdy, Y'all.

We're watching Hurricane Dennis!! Although it is estimated to hit Pensacola, it is so large that we (in southeast FL) will probably get winds and rain. We'll see. We hope that any RV Forumites in Dennis' path will be safe.


We wish you the best Liz.  Hope it misses you guys.
Tarry and I spent all day at the Red Cross.  We hauled supplies to 12 shelters that we will be opening here and in the surrounding counties.  Shelters will be open by Sat afternoon.  Mandatory evacuations have begun all over the gulf coast.  I-65 out of Mobile has been shifted to all lanes northbound.  Tried to buy gas tonight and finally gave up.  Long lines or either out of gas.  Got the motorhome ready to move into.  Tarry will be opening a medical needs shelter here in Dothan tomorrow.  Will be really busy with 12 hour shifts for the immediate future.  Will check in when we can.

You and Tarry are a pair of angels. Many folks will be very grateful for your efforts.
Jim Johnson said:
Tarry and I spent all day at the Red Cross.? We hauled supplies to 12 shelters that we will be opening here and in the surrounding counties.? Shelters will be open by Sat afternoon.? Mandatory evacuations have begun all over the gulf coast.? I-65 out of Mobile has been shifted to all lanes northbound.? Tried to buy gas tonight and finally gave up.? Long lines or either out of gas.? Got the motorhome ready to move into.? Tarry will be opening a medical needs shelter here in Dothan tomorrow.? Will be really busy with 12 hour shifts for the immediate future.? Will check in when we can.

And you want us to come down there for a visit???? ;D ;D ;D ;D


Just another summer in Florida. And you want to go to Texas? ;D ;D ;D
Jim Johnson said:
Tarry and I spent all day at the Red Cross.  We hauled supplies to 12 shelters that we will be opening here and in the surrounding counties.  Shelters will be open by Sat afternoon.  Mandatory evacuations have begun all over the gulf coast.  I-65 out of Mobile has been shifted to all lanes northbound.  Tried to buy gas tonight and finally gave up.  Long lines or either out of gas.  Got the motorhome ready to move into.  Tarry will be opening a medical needs shelter here in Dothan tomorrow.  Will be really busy with 12 hour shifts for the immediate future.  Will check in when we can.

Bless your hearts. Y'all take care now.


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