What are these for?

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New member
Nov 26, 2012
Hi All
I just purchased a 2003 Hitchhiker Champagne fifth wheel.  I have noticed that on the outside of each window there are what look like grawment pins like the one?s I've seen on pickup beds for fabric covers, mounted at each corner of the window.

Can anyone tell me what these are intended for?

If you bought your 5er from a dealer call them and ask where your window covers are.
If you have snaps you should have covers included.
Good Luck
They're for window covers that allow you privacy during the daytime. You can see out, but no one can see in unless it's cloudy, dark, or you have lights on inside.

Here in Arizona we attach solar screens on the windows that face south.  They block the sun but you can still see out.  With a 2003 trailer most likely they have already rotted and worn out if it was a solar screen.
What you are describing sounds like what my window awning straps attach to when the awnings are down.

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