What Doesn't Come With a Used RV - Checklist and Recommendations?

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Feb 14, 2013
Cleveland, OH
I'm not sure what you get when you purchase a new RV, but an expense we didn't count on when purchasing used was having to buy all of the hoses and adapters, a battery, and such.  Do new RVs come with this stuff and we just didn't get them because we purchased a used unit?

We have on our shopping list (these are by no means the correct technical names for these parts):
  • Sewer hose
  • Clear 45-degree sewer hose attachment
  • Sewer hose slinky brace
  • White drinking water hose
  • Water pressure regulator
  • Spout splitter
  • Green garden hose
  • 50-to30-amp pigtail
  • 30-to-15-amp pigtail
  • Large reusable rubber gloves
  • Can of Lysol spray

We will also need a battery. Any recommendations?

Are we forgetting any essential pieces for hookups? Of course we knew we'd need our own bedding and dishes and such, but we want to make sure we have our bases covered for getting the utilities up and running both at hookups and dry camping, if needed. Thanks!
Very few of those items are required for an RV and would, if at all, be included as a dealer "courtesy package".  The only 2 truly required items are the sewer hose and potable water hose, the rest are all optional, but useful, items.

I would expect a battery to be included as nothing will work without it.
Then I will be reading up some more on batteries!  I have started scratching that surface, but I better put a gouge in it.  Thanks for your help!
If you have room for them, 2 6V golf cart batteries will give you the most power for the price.  Just be sure to get true deep cycle battery or batteries.  Lots of previous discussions here on this topic.  Also, here's an article from our forum library on selecting batteries for an RV.
When the dealer handed me the keys to my Damon Intruder, all batteries were properly installed,  They gave me a "Starter kit" Which consisted of two rolls of Tethford RV toilet sanmdpaper.. er, tissue, a 10' 3" stinky Slinky a still sealed and wrapped in plastic bottle of waste presertive (I will never use, that is black tank chem with embalming fluid in it) and I think a fresh water hose but I'm not sure, Rig came with one power cord which I'm using as I type.  That's about it.

I added more cords, More (And better) hoses, and a bunch of other stuff. A couple miles of coax or so it seems) for my radios and improvements in the TV system but that's not needed  I also added pressure regulators, Where I over-winter line pressure can go triple digit and often does.
While I would expect an RV to come with the necessary battery(s) to operate it, a used RV typically has batteries in poor condition, so a purchase is likely in the near future anyway. If you are lucky, the battery in the used rig was totally bad and the dealer replaced it for the sale.

A typical "courtesy pack" with a new RV would have a drinking water hose, sewer hose, and maybe a pack of "RV" toilet paper and a small jug of holding tank chemical too. And of course, more or less new batteries all around. It would not typically include the other items you mentioned. Better dealers provide that package with a used RV as well.

The special toilet paper and tank chemical aren't needed either, but dealers like to get you hooked on the specialty stuff for future income.
Right angle faucet connector if hook up is mounted to side of rig.

Water filter

Surge protector

Assortment of fuses blade and glass type if you have them

You would think if someone had ever used the trailer, it should have most of the things listed. I have sold trailers and I didnt take all those things out of it. You know the purchaser is going to need them. Seems pretty petty for a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff. I would have just added it to the purchase price and included it. Maybe the seller has the whole package listed on craigslist. Might not hurt to check . lol
muskoka guy said:
You would think if someone had ever used the trailer, it should have most of the things listed. I have sold trailers and I didnt take all those things out of it. You know the purchaser is going to need them. Seems pretty petty for a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff. I would have just added it to the purchase price and included it. Maybe the seller has the whole package listed on craigslist. Might not hurt to check . lol

When I got mine it was stripped to the BONE. We took EVERYthing from our old one put in new rig. We even took the drawers from the fridge. Manuals for it HAHA  I got one for the stereo.
I actually bought it from a dealership. My guess is the previous owner traded it in that way. They did say the DVD player wasn't in it when they got it, but just said the battery wasn't included when we got to that. We didn't think to ask who removed it.  As for the DVD player, I'm really OK with only hooking a radio up there.  We are getting out of the house to get away from the couch, not be stuck on it.  They had electric hooked up to the unit when we came to look at it.  Well, the good news is that we learned a bit more, and just keep learning and learning!

A surge protector is a good idea. So much to think about!  I can't wait to get it set up so that we can do our test camping trip in the driveway :)
I would not put much faith in a dealer who short-changed you on a basic item like a battery. In my opinion he was taking advantage of a newbie. Afterall, it's a 2008, not a 30-year-old junker that might be sold as a handyman special.
My 30 year old Rig came with and left with batteries 1chassis and 2 coach. I'm with Gary DON'T trust them if they can't even drop a wally world cheapy in it. That shows they don't care about happy customers just the almighty DOLLAR.
Maybe there is something wrong with the 12 volt side of the electrics, and they dont want to install a battery for fear of you discovering the faults in the trailer. If it is a dealer, I would insist they install the battery at least and prove everything works. If they wont, walk away.
Well, it's too late for me to walk away.  I didn't even think that there might be something wrong with it.  It did have some problems that they are fixing, which is why they still have it.  We'll have to test it ASAP and learn a lesson on this one.  Fortunately, my husband is very handy and can fix most things, so we'll save a little cash on any repairs that need to be made.  I just hope it doesn't end up being too expensive of a lesson to learn!  I would like to say I should have posted this before signing all the paperwork last weekend, but I would have never thought to post this beforehand.  Fortunately, I did purchase a warranty that covers all the major systems (since this is my first RV).  Hopefully, if there is something wrong, the warranty will cover it.

(Geez. Now I don't feel so warm and fuzzy about my new RV. I'm worried now.)
Well at least with the warantee you shouldnt have much to worry about. Just where  to plan a trip to, and what stuff to put in for the first trip. Most people advise camping in the yard or very close to home the first time to figure out what you are missing and that all works.  Good luck and happy camping.
Since now WE are concerned about the 12 volt system. Make sure you are inside by the fuse panel when DH hooks up battery. That away if it pops a fuse you will know and he can unhook it to find any trouble. After he hooks it up have him voltage battery then plug up RV to electric and read it again it should show a higher reading any where from 13.2-14.5 or so this means the charger is working. You might have to turn on some lights for a couple of mintues to draw the battery down a little so charger will turn on. I would do the same test to the chassis battery as well to make sure its working properly. RVing is a awesome DON"T let this even worry you its all fixable if there even if nothing is wrong. It could be just because the dealer is CHEAP which is what it sounds like. It will help you to learn some of the systems of your RV. 8)
Probably the most commonly omitted item in a recently purchased RV is a wallet with a lot of cash in it.  ;D ;D  But, that can be part of the fun of ownership if you let it.

If you recently purchased an RV that fat wallet full of cash is gone already! :eek:

Anyone know where to get refills cheap????
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