What else to go wrong ?

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You would think these civil servants would know how to use a spell checker :-(

Still, it makes as much sense as the British Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations.

I think you innovators that side of the pond have that department sewn up.


ROTFL Dave! That gives new meaning to taking along everything but the kitchen sink.
Karl said:
but I don't see anything about an excrement fitment for the tow vehicle

They spec the rubber boots (aka welly boots) for the driver instead.

BTW welly boots were made fashionable by the 1st Duke of Wellington. Here's the Wiki if you'd really like to read more  ???
Tom said:
Maybe there's a market for tape measures that are a little bit short on their measurements. When the inspector turns up, offer to lend him/her a "nice new one" that reads in the consumer's favour.

I remember years ago reading a story in Popular Mechenics (Gus Wilson's Model Garage serries of stories, cute stories each of which taught a lesson in Car Repair or related)

There was a challange to a race car, where Gus was a judge.  They tore down the engine, Gus measured the bore (spec) using thier micrometers.  After the race Gus had a flash of insight and ask the winning car (the one challanged before the race) be impounded... They were rather upset when he said it needed to be tore down again.  So he offered them a better deal... Don't tear the engine down.. Just give me the mis-calibrated micrometer.

Suffice to say the challanged car withdrew from the winning slot and accepted a "Disqualified" position instead
I am closely following any thread on both this and the British MHF forum that relates to importing an RV to the UK.

I hope to follow UK-RV Paul's route as soon as we have sold our house.

The thought of arriving at a British port to import my RV for it to be refused entry for 1/2" is unbearable.

What if the sales brochure of the RV gives the width as 100" but the DVLA chappie measures it at 101" ??? ???

I received a message from a British (102" Winnebago Brave) owner who claims that one British dealer removes some guttering to get his RVs through?
So sorry to hear of your troubles.  With that truck load of problems you'll just have to chalk it up to an experience most people will never have.  You've got a one of a kind story that will amuse (not that any part of this is funny now)  and entertain many  around campfires for years to come.  It will get better and when it does I'm certain you will look back and marvel that you made it.  This whole RV lifestyle is just one thing after another. 

Terry and I have a saying every time we start up the rig.  He says "Another day....." and then I say "another adventure."  Some of our most trying moments impaled against trees, in repair shops for weeks,even over Christmas Day, days and going without a refrigerator for 1 month are now but memories that give us stories to tell.  I'd say you guys will get a front and center row around campfires to tell your stories of woe which are better than most.  Hang in there.  Don't give up, don't give up on the USA.  There is lots to see and you will get on the road soon.  Wiser.  Don't ya just hate some of life's  lessons? 
Betty Brewer

Great words of wisdom & consolation for Paul. We've been through our share of RV-related challenges and, as you say, we can look back on them and tell some campfire stories.
hi guys

texas ford dealer gave us 3 options....

1. pay $200 to do 'basic brake fix'

2. pay $1500 to repair eveything.

3. just leave and try another ford dealer.

the GM at our selling dealer in tampa said he would have no problem doing the work for us.

we said it would take us 2 weeks to get there and then back to texas. it would cost around $500 in fuel, $300 in camp fees and put 2000 miles on the coach.

however, when we suggested we might actually do this, he changed his tone and wanted to view the car.

obviously, we arent going all that way for him to change his mind.

so, we will get the work done and try to get the dealer or ford to repay us.

we cant do anything thru warranty act as the car was purchased under llc and act only applies to personal goods.

we will try the warranty arbitration service.

Hi UK-RV (Paul). Just caught up on this thread.? I sure am sorry to hear about your continuing problems. We ourselves have had our share in the past. Hope you manage to get sorted and enjoy the rest of your trip. We now have our Newmar in the UK. No problems with the shipping or clearance of Customs. Hope your's goes the same.? ;)
Hi Guys

We phoned a Brake Repair Centre in San Diego last Sunday and booked the Focus to have the brakes repaired at 10.30am yesterday (Wednesday).

I double-checked they had the parts as we were talking a new 2006 model and most places don't seem to carry such new parts. I was assured they had them.

So, we arrived at the Repair Centre at 10.30 - and they had no record of us coming - and they had no parts in stock.

But, they assured us it wouldn't be a problem and they could get them in 2hrs - making a 4hr repair in total.

They telephoned the parts dept at the local Ford Dealer - who confirmed the parts were the same as the 2005 model - so the Repair Centre ordered them.

Of course, when they arrived at 2pm, the 2006 parts were NOT the same as the 2005 parts they sent.

We were then told the new ones would arrive the next day.

The Manager of the Repair Centre offered to drive us the 16 miles to our campground and then collect us today, when the repairs were done.

So, the Manager drove Ann-Marie and myself to the campground 16 miles away...........

......wait for it !!

......... around 100yards from the entrance to the campground, a little voice could be heard from the back seat of the car - "the keys to the RV are still in our car !".? :-[? ;D

So, the Manager had to drive us the 16 miles back to the Repair Centre.

As we felt bad, we asked if there were any real cheap budget motels local to him, to which he assured us there were.

When we arrived back at the Repair Centre, we managed to check-in to a 'budget' motel at $77!

At least we could go for a meal and have a few drinks and it would avoid paying for a taxi.

This morning we arrived at 10.30am and waited for the parts to arrive at the promised 11am, so we could be away around noon.

Well, the parts finally arrived at 3pm and we left at 4pm.

Now all we have to do is get Ford to reimburse our $1100 bill.


UK-RV said:
Now all we have to do is get Ford to reimburse our $1100 bill.

Good luck Paul, just don't hold your breath.

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