What is good (or bad) mileage for a Class C?

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Rental units can take a lot of abuse. If it checks out by a qualified inspector than it could be a possibility. Doesn’t make sense that it was only used as a dressing room. A class c wouldn’t be a first choice for a movie industry dressing room and lots of miles for a 2025.
Since the OP was sold on it I had to look up Azdel siding. Sounds good but unless I'm missing something no delamination may be hiding roof leaks which would rot the wall and floor structures. Right?
Yes, indeed. We've all seen this bubbles and wavy fiberglass on bumper pulls and Class C's. Azdel is the plastic/fiberglass panel that is used behind the fiberglass skin instead of luan paneling. The fact is, luan panel rots and falls apart when it gets wet, then disintegrates, leaving nothing. Azdel paneling does not rot at all and is much easier to repair if there are any issues. For me, that is all I will buy...
Since the OP was sold on it I had to look up Azdel siding. Sounds good but unless I'm missing something no delamination may be hiding roof leaks which would rot the wall and floor structures. Right?
That would make a good sales point for conventional sided MH's. Kind of like when PT Barnum bought a truck load of inferior grade white tuna and advertised it as "Guaranteed not to turn yellow in the can".
. " Unlike ordinary Azdel the siding on this trailer will delaminate and rot away so you'll know when the roof needs replaced"
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