when water pump surges the lights dim.

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mike and pat

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2010
I replaced my Shurflo smart sensor 5.7 GPM pump which started to leak with a shurflo 4048 highflow pump. The old one never surged and was great but it leaked. I could not find the 5.7 anywhere so I got the other one. It is not supposed to surge but does and when it surges the 12 volt light in the coach dim. Do I have a wiring problem that I am not aware of?
What do you mean by 'surge'?  Sounds like the motor is overloading your 12volt circuit, but that should blow a fuse I'd think (if it's a large enough overload).
Hmmm. The high flow model draws the exact same max power (10 amps) as the 5.7, so it should not be causing dimming where the 5.7 did not. On the other hand, a surge usually means that it will draw max amps and it could be your batteries are weak enough that the converter is having trouble keeping up with the load.
or there could be ground problem.

I just replaced my old metal body interior light fixtures with new plastic body ones. now the bathroom lights, reading light in bedroom and water pump won't turn on. seems that the light fixtures were being used as the ground. (fiberglass body coach and there is a separate ground wire for everything) the lights would dim when the pump came on all last summer. now I have to trace backwards to find the spot (in the wall) that the ground has gone bad. At least I now know what was wrong with the dimming lights last year.

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