Where is the convertor located?

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Nov 28, 2012

I feel I have a convertor problem with my 2007 Montana Mountaineer  329 RL, but I am not sure where it is located....any help?  Also, I guess a good recommendation on a replacement.  Thanks
I believe it is on the passenger side behind the pass thru storage compartment. When you remove the back wall you will see heater, converter, water heater on drivers side. I insulated that wall with 2 inch foam before reinstallation of wall, what a difference cut my propane use by a third. Whatever converter you buy get a three stage and buy a little bigger than what is the unit now. Make sure you check for output fuses and bad connections before condeming converter.
X2 on a 3 stage...
bestconverters.com is the site I used, they will give you advice as to best replacement for your model.
Usually the converter is close to the breaker panel and DC fuse panel. Even though my power cord is on the driver side. The converter is under my stove/oven on the passenger side of the RV. But its grouped all together with the DC and AC power (fuse and breaker panels)
Mopar1973Man said:
Usually the converter is close to the breaker panel and DC fuse panel. Even though my power cord is on the driver side. The converter is under my stove/oven on the passenger side of the RV. But its grouped all together with the DC and AC power (fuse and breaker panels)

Interesting.  My breaker box is on the drivers side way in the back of the TT.  The fuse panel and converter is in the kitchen area toward the front on the passenger side (under the pantry).  You almost need to be a smurf to get to it!

I guess the manufacturers can put them anywhere.  It's probably determined on what is most cost effective for them.
Sometimes the converter/charger is integrated with the main power distribution panel or right behind it. Other times it may be located near the batteries. And in sa few coaches it is tucked away in some obscure place that is convenient for manufacturing but probably not for the owner. I've seen them under fridges and washing machines, tucked into dinette seats, and all sorts of weird places.

One way to find it is to follow the big 12v power wire back from the positive post on the battery(s). It will go to the converter/charger location.
Regarding converter replacement, can one simple change out only the converter itself?  Or are modifications also required to the breaker panel?
If the converter is separate, it is easy to replace. If integrated with the breaker box, it takes a bit more skill but still well within the handyman range.

The converter actually has nothing to do with the breaker panel except that it receives 120v power from it. It supplies power to the 12v distribution panel, which may be in the same box with the breakers.

Here is a photo essay showing the replacement on an integrated converter in a Magnetec 6300 power panel.

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