Whitch electric tounge jack?

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
Bought a new Lacross bhs318 last fall. Electric stabilzer jacks, electric awing, electric slides and a HAND CRANK JACK??????? :eek: .Getting ready to buy one to put on it and am not sure what capaticy I need. Unit is just under 10000# GVWR so what weight capaticy do I need? Thanks
I had a 3500 pound one on my 27' Fleetwood Prowler and it always sounded like it was struggling to lift the tongue so when I got my 35' toyhauler I wanted the biggest and baddest. What I got was a 4000 Bulldog tongue jack and I love it not only because it does what it's supposed to great but that it's footpad has 10" of adjustment with a quick pull of a pin so you don't have to wait for the jack to slowly move the whole distance. I bought it 5 years ago for just under $200. I just looked one up though and it was $220-250. My only complaint is the top plastic part looks pretty rough from sun damage and the bubble on top is now useless. I will mostly blame this on the Arizona sun and myself though, if I could go back I would have covered it when in storage.

Take a look at the additional pictures.

I have a Barker 3500 and like it. Going on 3 years now. Best RV accessory I ever bought! It does make some noise at full extension but it does not seem to affect its performance at all.
You can assume your tongue weight is 15% of your GVWR, or 1500 lbs.  I'm most comfortable with at least a 2X safety margin for a tongue jack.  In your situation the smallest I would buy is one rated for 3000 lb.  If you are using it to take tension off your spring bars when hitching or unhitching, I would increase the rated capacity even further.
Make sure whatever you buy will fit.  I decided to 'upgrade' on our 25' trailer, and the larger diameter jack would not fit through the hole!  :eek:
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