Wi-Fi Vulnerablities

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Don't you just love that commericial for Apple Mac's where they talk about how there are no viruses for MAC's.  Well, this is not  a virus, but it's interesting to note he broke into a MAC
Yeah, it's interesting ;) I think that no one is immune today.....I use Fireox as a browser because I got fed up with IE. However FF is now being attacked :'(
??? I've never had any problems with IE. Provided the Firewall, Anti-Virus and Spamkillers are active and stay away from those sites (we all know) usually have virus' attached. You should not have any problems. I have AOL but hate it. Tried FF when I was having some download problems that I thought was the fault of IE (It wasn't). Didn't particularly like FF. I will stick with IE. Happy surfing and RV'ing.  ;)
woodartist said:
Yeah, it's interesting ;) I think that no one is immune today.....I use Fireox as a browser because I got fed up with IE. However FF is now being attacked :'(

One of the big differences I see between FF and IE is that with IE when a vunurability is announced it's a few days of boating down De nile before a patch is released to fix it.

With FF it tends to be OPPS, here's a patch.  I've seen Firefox update and grab the patch before I got to the news article describing what was just patched... Never seen IE do that, not once
I use FF with Zone Alarm, AVG ( anti virus), SpyBot Search and Destroy, Adaware, etc. Never personally had a problem but know of folks who did, using IE Explorer. Even if IE was air tight, I still prefer FF. Opening pages in tabs is a real plus. As FF gets more popular I'm sure the crackers will start attacking it more. Right now MS seems to be the lightening rod ;).....and maybe deserved?
"It looks like it wasn't AirPort Extreme but a third-party Atheros driver that was the cuprit. Thanks to the readers below for pointing that out." from:
As usual, any anti-Mac news gets wildly blown up. Wait for the follow up before posting snide comments.

I can't say anything about MAC viruses as they do not aply to Macs.
I posted as an FYI and not an anti-Mac post. The article also mentioned Windows could also have a problem. Macs don't get viruses???? Hmmmmm

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