Wifi Hot Spot using iPhone 5

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2009
1 mile south of the Cheddar Curtain
When I try to connect my laptop to the web using my iPhone 5 as a wifi hotspot, the laptop doesn't recognize, Stan's iPhone as a network. I have been back and forth on this with Verizon. The iPad recognizes the web, and Becky's laptop (running Windows 7) does too.

The best Verizon can tell me is that my old (6-1/2 years) Toshiba running XP just doesn't have the proper firmware in the wireless card, and it can't be upgraded.

1. Are they right, or can it be upgraded?

2. If I look for an up to date laptop (hopefully an inexpensive refurbished one) what should I be looking for? Vista or better? What items in the wireless card description should I look for, and what words have to be there?

Thanks in advance from an "end-user" who just turns it on and uses it.

The Toshiba WiFi adapter probably doesn't support WPA or WPA2 that the iPhone is using for encryption.  All, or mostly all, new laptops will come with Windows 8, but there may still be some with Windows 7.  Any current laptop WiFi adapter will support WPA2 encryption.  The other option would be to add a USB WiFi adapter to the Toshiba and turn off the internal adapter.  Just be sure that the adapter has XP drivers available, many newer devices will not.

I have a ALFA Network WiFi adapter, AWUS036H. I have a little bitty disc with the driver. Do you think its something I can update? Or do I need a different one?

Thanks for the help. I don't like Windows 7. Is 8 any better?

The Alfa has XP drivers here that should work.

If you don't like Windows 7, you won't like 8, but both are much more secure than XP.
My sister had the same problem hooking up to my iPhone over Xmas, if I turned off security she could get on.  Her's was a Toshiba also with an internal "G" modem. Went down to Staples & bought the cheapest USB network adapter and it worked fine.

She was also able to hook up to friends router in Ojai that she couldn't previously.

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