Win7 Home Primum or Professional

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Just Lou

Well-known member
Dec 25, 2005
I'm still using winXP on my current Lenovo laptop.  I have an opportunity to get an upgrade to Win7 at a very good price of $0.
I have my choice of Win7 Home  Premium or win7 Professional.  Can anyone tell me why I would choose one over the other?

I don't consider myself a sophisticated computer user.  No heavy graphics, no online games, no movies, just the average net browsing, e-mail and records maintenance.

Thanks in advance. 

Can't tell you which is better only that I have home premium and it works for me, no games, movies etc.  There are some advantages to the pro version but I have no idea what they are nor do I care.  :)
Thanks Jim, that's kind of where I'm at too.

I'm just recalling that the only difference I ever noticed between XP-Pro and XP-Home was in the backup and restore area.  I'm sure there were others, but my limited use never exposed any of them.
Pro can attach to a domain controller, be a host for RDP, and operate in XP mode.  If you have a choice go for Pro.
What tnthub said.  If you can get either for the same price of 0$, go for Pro.  You may (and will probably) never need anything Pro offers that Home Premium does, but you'll have it just in case.
When I did the upgrade, via a new computer, from XP to WIN7-Home Premium, I found that some of my old software refused to run under WIN7, even in the "compatibility mode".  An upgrade to WIN7-Pro allowed me to download (free) XP to run in a Virtual Machine mode.    After a short learning curve, it works great.  Now I'm trying to decide if I should move on to Windows 8, or just wait for Windows 9 or 10 in a year or two.

One other thing for you to consider....  Will your present machine operate properly on Windows 7?  Some older machines have hardware that do not have proper drivers available for WIN7.
Before you do anything, download and run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor.  It will tell you if your computer will run Windows 7 and also check much of your software for compatibility.

If everything is OK, then I would get the Pro version, even though you probably won't need the extra features.
Thanks everyone, for the advice and education.  My initial post didn't tell the complete and accurate story.

The deal is this;  My daughters employer is installing new computers in all office work stations and is offering the old ones to the employees (after hard drive clean-ups) at give away prices.  My daughter want's to buy one and give it to me as a belated Christmas present.  All of the units are configured the same, with some having win7 HP and some having win7 pro.  She is giving me the choice.

I never thought that, at my age, I could go PRO. ;)

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