Window Tinting.

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2016
I recently took a trip and the sun coming in the drivers window was pretty hot.
I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts because it was 80? or more outside.
I almost thought I should have sunscreen on as it was that hot coming through the window.

So today I went and had one of the drivers windows tinted.
Hopefully it will reduce the sunlight coming in to a level where I don't feel I need sunscreen on.
I did it on the window that slides so if handing over money at a toll booth they can see who is handing it to them. ;D
And that window seems to be more in line with giving me a sunburn. :mad:

It wasn't real cheap as I had to drive a ways to get it done - as I used the same company that did my cars.
I feel there is an art to doing a good job and they have the years of experience to do it right, not to mention a guarantee.
I had tried to remove the window hoping I could take just the window to them but the window on my unit is not designed to come out
without major work, if at all.

Has anyone else done that?


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You may have a problem with tinting driver's or passanger windows.. Just so you know.

Though I know some cars come from the factory with full window tint on all windows under Michigan Law and I am assuming this is the law in other states as well. TInting in front of the "B" Pillar is not allowed.. (Save for the top few inches).. This is so a police officer or Witness can see the driver. Once you are past the driver's seat you can black 'em out for all the law cares. but the driver's window must be "See through" as is the one opposite it.

Now enforcement.. Is rare.. But does happen.    NOTE also I only have MICHIGAN law on my WIndows Computer. not . well we have 49 1/2 other states and a few possessions and territories in this country (the half is the District of Corruption (Washington DC) in case you wonder)  I don't even have a clue in those states.
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