Windows XP Password

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
Well I knew this would happened one day and today it finally happened.  I cannot figure out the Windows XP password on my desktop.  Have not used the desktop in 6 months and now finally had a day available (ain't retirement busy?) to try setting up my wireless with Direcway and the various PCs.  I thought I had my password to the desktop safely stored on one of the laptops.  But I must have made a change without updating the reference file.

Does anyone know how I can crack the code on my own desktop and get past the XP password protection?  Surely there must be a way to do this?
OK, with the help of an internet document, I figured it out on my own.  Some luck was involved though.

I found out that if I boot the computer in safe mode, I can then log on as administrator.  My own default ID had full administrator privileges, but since I did not have the password, I needed to log on as the system administrator.  Apparently in XP that can only be done in safe mode.

Once there, I still needed to know the system administrator password.  I tried the two obvious defaults... a blank, and then "admin".  Neither worked, suggesting at some time in the distant past I had also put in my own admin password as well as one for my default account.  I tried guessing at favorite passwords and lo and behold, one of them hit.  Once I got in as system admin, I was able to then reset my default account password.

The lesson I have learned from this is that if you are going to have system passwords in XP, be sure to create a password backup disk.  The help menu in XP explains how to do this.  I never knew before today such a thing existed.

There are third party products out there for this problem, but some are unreliable, and some cost money.  And there is always the problem of not knowing enough about who is providing them.

Until I began RVing, this was never a problem as I did not use boot passwords.  But now I do because of the decreased RVing lifestyle security.

A serious hacker can have their way with the XP password security.  But I found out today it is a pretty serious system against ordinary pokers like me.  ;D
Glad you were able to get the password figured out.  How is the networking going?

Password are good but only if you have a excellent memory or write them down. ;D
Networking doing great Ron!  I am typing this from the bedroom laptop running wireless to the Linksys in the salon which is wired to the direcway modem.
Smoky said:
Networking doing great Ron!? I am typing this from the bedroom laptop running wireless to the Linksys in the salon which is wired to the direcway modem.

Great.  Have you secured you wireless yet? 

Yes, I always use pw protection as soon as I install wireless. 


Not sure how to change the admin name, as I can only get to it via the safe mode boot.  When I get some spare time I will try to figure that out.
On your Links Router when you enter the set up menu the default system name is links and the default password is admin. So many folks do not change these so anybody could get in and mess with the settings even to the point of changing the WEP.

I was referrinbg to my laptop admin password not the router password.  I wonder if the router is what Geekmeister was referring to?
Smoky said:

I was referrinbg to my laptop admin password not the router password.? I wonder if the router is what Geekmeister was referring to?

I suspect it was.  You did change the password and name on your router didn't you?

Smoky said:
Might be with an old card?? Or is WEP the new standard?? I might have mixed them up.

I don't think it will make any difference as far as somebody connecting to you if you give them the needed info.  I'm sure that if I am wrong Ned will  jump in with the straight scoop.
Only newer client adapters will support WPA, but most older models will support WEP.  Of course, WPA is much more secure.  And some real old adapters only support 64 bit WEP, not 128 bit WEP.  I wouldn't reduce my network security too far just to accomodate very old hardware.  802.11 adapters that support the newer encryption protocols aren't that expensive.
Yep Ron, what Ned said is my concern.  Hopefully at QZ some of the folks will have the WEP for sharing.  I will be on WPA unless I change back.  I will change back if there is no one providing Internet access on WEP.
I don't really think it will be a problem.  Probably most folks there will have bought their cards within the last couple years and they will be compatible.
All this networking talk is dizzying. When we held the RV Forum rally in Plymouth, CA some years ago, we used 500 feet of telephone wire strung between the rigs. Only one person could get online at a time, so we had a flag system. If the flag was down, the "network" was free and you could get online. But you had to immediately raise the flag and lower it again when you were done.

Attatched is a photo of the flag in action. Apologies to old timers if the photo brings a tear to your eyes.


  • Networking.jpg
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Things have changed.  At the first RV Forum rally near Dallas, Lake Louisville I thinink, we didn't even have a system to flag that I can recall.

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