Windshield not secure - options?

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2005
Hi Guys

You may recall that when we purchased our RV from Lazydays, they had to fit a new half-windshield to the RV (there was a chip in the original).

Well, we have driven for the last 7 months with a "wind noise" which we couldnt identify - Ann-Marie couldnt pinpoint where it was and I was always driving.

We put it down to "one of those things" that you get with an RV.

However, whilst travelling across South Dakota last week, we pulled into a scenic viewpoint perched high above the road (perhaps thats why it was scenic? ;D).

The wind was really strong and we noticed the noise again.

This time I was able to locate the source to the "new" windshield. On closer inspection, I found the whole right side of the windshield was loose - you could push it out a good 1/4 inch without too much pressure.

The black sealant was there (although very patchy) but the windshield wasn't attached to any of it.

We've contacted Fleetwood who advised to get it looked at by a dealer.

My question (finally) is :-

What are the likely options for the windshield ?

Can it be removed and cleaned properly before being refitted or should it be a new windhield.

Is there anything I need to watch out for (other than checking it is sealed this time)

Thanks again !!


This might not be any comfort to you but, when we were last at the Monaco service center, a number of folks were having their windshields re-inserted, some for the n'th time. Some of the worst appeared to have been previously built by Safari before Monaco bought them, but it wasn't limited to the Safari line. In some cases, they were having to grind &/or add fiberglass to get them to fit properly.

The black sealant was there (although very patchy) but the windshield wasn't attached to any of it.

Isn't there a rubber gasket running around the perimeter of the windshield? This is what I'd expect the windshield to sit in. It should overlap both the windshield and the front cap of the coach. Any additional adhesive shouldn't be required, although a number of manufacturers do add it as an extra anti-leak measure.

The front cap of a motorhome can and does get torque'd quite a bit as you drive down the road and a windshield will have a tendency to pop out. I believe this is more prevalent with the 1-piece windshield rather than the 2-piece you have.
UK-RV said:
Can it be removed and cleaned properly before being refitted or should it be a new windshield.

Hi Paul,

We have had three half windshields replaced over the last 10 years. In all cases the windshields were completely destroyed during removal--granted all three were cracked and there was no need to try to save them. The large suction cups attached to the windshield were pulling on the glass, as a tool was run around the sides to break/cut the sealant holding the glass in place, and seemed to put a lot of stress on the glass causing it to break and crack essentially the entire piece of glass.

Could they have saved the glass by being less forceful, I don't know. However, I was amazed by the quantity of glass shards which came into the motor home. Fortunately, they put down plastic to catch them and cleanup was not a problem.

I would think that accidental breaking of the glass to remove it would be covered either by the glass company or your insurance. You need to ask the glass company and your insurance company where the responsibility would fall if the glass is broken.

Thanks Both

I felt a little silly asking whether a new windshield might be needed - I thought it would be a clean and re-install.

At least I can PLAN to be around the dealer for an extra few days in case it cracks.

I would think it Fleetwoods problem if the glass is damaged during a warranty repair - I certainly dont want to risk claiming on insurance.

Richard's comments reminded of one guy who was having his windshield replaced (with a new one) for the n'th time. The tech couldn't get it to fit correctly, applied some pressure, then the windshield cracked. It might be good if you could watch how they remove and insert/re-insert the windshield, although some/many dealers won't allow their customers in the service bay.
We have had 5 half windshields replaced and have never had one break when being removed.  If they can't take 'em out properly, can you trust 'em to put in properly?

When ours were replaced last month, I watched and they injected a soft, black, material into the gasket before seating the glass, then trimmed the excess afterward.
Paul  Couple of months ago we had our w/s on our Pace Arrow 1998 replaced.  This is the 3 rd W/s  The last 2 the people said the just couldn't get them to fit right.  Well this time it fit right the guy trimmed the fiberglass and made it fit.  He said he runs into this all the time.  Thats all he does in MH W/s  Won't do anything else.  He knew what was wrong right away.  Said every manufacturer has the same problems  Hope this makes you feel better. You are not alone.

Who/where was that windshield guy and maybe a phone numer? Might be a useful reference for others who might need a new windshield while in that area. Thanks.
Their name is believe it or not, KISS, here in the Phoenix Area  They are State Farm Representitives for Windshield installations.  I'll have to look up the # next time I go up to the MH in storage right now.
That Windshield outfit is KISS R.V.Mobile Repair here in the Phoenix Area 623-695-2004
UK-RV said:
The wind was really strong and we noticed the noise again.

This time I was able to locate the source to the "new" windshield. On closer inspection, I found the whole right side of the windshield was loose - you could push it out a good 1/4 inch without too much pressure.

The black sealant was there (although very patchy) but the windshield wasn't attached to any of it.

We've contacted Fleetwood who advised to get it looked at by a dealer.

My question (finally) is :-

What are the likely options for the windshield ?

Can it be removed and cleaned properly before being refitted or should it be a new windshield.

Is there anything I need to watch out for (other than checking it is sealed this time)

Thanks again !!


Paul ,I have a 99 Newmar and have had this experience.

We were tooling along I-5 up through central California and my wife was asleep on the couch. I have limited hearing and was searching for radio stations (before XM days) and having trouble getting a station.

My wife jumped up and said turn off the radio, and what is that noise!!!!! I said I don't hear anything except I can't get a good station on the radio. No she pointed to the area above my seat! There was a rest stop and as I pulled in the noise stopped. I found the upper left windshield had separated from frame.

I duct taped it well and went on. But I already knew Newmar units had these problem. Believe Pete Harbin was one and in addition to my Newmar Klub members.

So I ran with this duct taped up  for a few weeks and when I was at the factory they removed both sides and put them in with sealer. At that time Newmar was putting them in like they do in Autos, just pressing them in with the rubber gasket and no sealer. As that did not work, so since they use sealer.

I have not had any problem since.

Last May when we were headed back from ILL, Midway in Mo we started to lose the passenger w/s  duct tape held it it here in AZ. 
So, Fleetwoods come with the optional self removing windshield too eh?  (I thought only Damon had that undocumented feature) :)

In my case (2005 Damon Intruder 377W) Once we decided it was a problem beyond field techs I knew I was going to be passing rather close to the womb (Factory) so we made an appointment to visit Damon the day after a rally we had reservations for ended, The trip was under 30 miles, and as it turns out, my wife has friends in the neighborhood we could visit so the trip was not only not lost, it was fun.

We arrived Monday night around six pm, Dripped jacks, Put out slides, Plugged in (They provided a 30 amp outlet) and went to bed.

Next morning they promised to wake us at 9am, 7:30 they knocked on the door (We were up already) and we caged the kitties (I have a very nice play cage for them) Pulled in the slides and they took it from there.  By 3pm it was out on the apron again and plugged in.

Turns out that the opening for the windshield had been mis-cut, instead of a nice straight ! it was a ) so the windshield rocked and came out at the bottom.  The techinican re-cut it with a genuine STRAIGHT edge instead of a french curve and put it back in with high quality Poly gule (Same stuff Dave Simpson Glass in Vegas used the 2nd time it came out)

I expect this windshield to come out again.... Well.... I usually drive a vehicle "into the ground" as it were, that is I will drive it way beyond it's design life, (I';ve got over 200,000 miles on my towed, that is driving, not towing) I drive them till they rust apart and things start falling off,,, In fact I've been known to drive a while after that (Depending on what fell off)

And I expect this windshield to come out... When the man at the scrap yard carefully removes it many years from now.

If the rig is new,  The windshield repair is one best done at the factory.  Do what I did, attend a rally in the neighborhood or find some other excuse for passing near, visit and have them fix it.. In the meantime have the glass man cement it in place.  HE, or the dealer he works for, should take proper photos which they will forward to the coach manufacturer who will make the decision on warranty

We are about to leave Yellowstone and take an extra couple of days to drive down to Vegas.

We're already scheduled to have the toilet parts replaced at WheelersRV, and will be asking them to seal a bad window leak in the bedroom (asuming the water IS coming in thru the bedroom and not travelling the length of the vehicle and appearing at the bedroom window).

BTW the temperature in West Yellowstone is a CRISP 15'F this morning (7am) - so Ann-Marie tells me as she has just returned from her morning run (YES, she is MAD). Well, actually, it was amorning walk - it was still night outside at that time.

FYI Grizzly RV Park have sites with long heat rods into the water pipes, ensuring they dont freeze - of course, thats not to say your hose wouldnt freeze anyway.

Another question on the windshield :-

They aren't likely to just squirt more of the black sealant into the windshield gap are they, in the hope that it seals?

Some of the Fleetwood warranty stuff to date has consisted of such "bodge" jobs.

That black sealant is likely RTV Silicon, and that is not an effective product here, There is a Polyurethane adhesive that does work.  While mine was mis-cut Dave Simpson glass in Las Vegas used it, the windshield held and likely would have continued to hold however the rubber gasket was streatched at the bottom and it would have failed sooner I'm sure.  When I took the rig back to Damon the warranty tech used the same product, after re-cutting the opening so it was proper, which is why I figure the windshield in my ride will come out long about the time the technician at the scrap yard removes it.  Hopefully many years and even more miles from now

I should add "Polyurethane" describes a class of adhesives, not a specific product, in this case
I just bought 2001 Winne Adventurer with a "new" passenger side windscreen. On the way home, the "new" windscreen started to leak. When I took it to the local Autoglass dealer he said it was falling out, but he was able to remove it and re-install it, (for $250), and now it is tight and works perfectly.
So on my way back to Florida ( I'm a snowbird), we had a tire blowout and the impact cracked the OTHER, driver's side, windscreen.
So I'm going back to the original installer of the passenger windscreen, and I'm thinking he isn't the guy to do the new installation. But what I have learned is that RV windscreens break, or pop out, on the slightest collision, or impact.
I don't like it a bit, but I accept that RVs are not as rigid as regular cars, and that impacts, even chassis torsions, can torque the front screens enought that they crack or pop out.
When I got my Damon Intruder someone had use Silicon on the seals of the windshield.. Did not hold.

The Whindshield (What you call windscreen) on the passenger side popped out and the driver's side was looking like it might.  My dealer called Guardian Glass in Detroit and they porta-powered it back into place (Porta-power is a line of hydraulic jacks)

Well, it still did not hold only now i'm somewhere between Winslow and Kingman Arizona headed for Las Vegas, it's late and there is no hope in heaven of getting it fixed tonight so I slapped on a cargo strap to keep it from sliding out farther and made the call soon as I got to Las Vegas... Was refered to Wheelers RV south of town and they called Dave Simpson Glass, who did a much better job, this time using a polyurethane like adhesive to attach the seal to the rig and the windshield to the seal  IT DID NOT COME OUT AGAIN till I got to the factory.

At the factory they found the opening for the windshield had been mis-cut  What should have been a straight line, Like this: |
was in fact a curved line, like this: (  and as a result the windshield could "rock" in it's seat and pop out.  They re-cut put in new glass and again used the poly adhesive to seal it all up.

I do not expect it to come out again, unless someone takes it out the hard way (Using tools)

Have your glass man take a good look at the opening, make sure it is properly cut.

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