Winegard antennas

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Earl P

New member
Nov 10, 2005
Hello to all you Folks in the RV Forum Community.

I Just had an experience that I need to share with as many RVers as possible.

I have just retured from a month enjoying Branson MO. The first week there my sattelite Dish quit working. No service centers to be found so I
sent an Email to Winegard.  Guess what?  They not only retured my Email they Called personally to try to help me. I thought it was the remote switching panel and even though TIm (this great service Tech) said he doubted that was the problem he got a new one shipped to Me in Branson in 3 days.  He was right.. Still did not work.  Next he helped me by sending instructions so I could take my dish down to travel.
After I got home I again asked for help. Tim said he thought it best to send the electronic box to them so they could check it out at the factory.
I sent it on a Tuesday and had a brand new one back on the following Monday. They went way above and beyond normal service.

If any one out there is thinking of a new dish or any antenna, you can not find a better company do business with than Winegard.
People who take care of business like they do need to be recognized...Thus this post.

Earl P
That's a great endorsement for Winegard. Glad to hear they took good care of you.
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