Winter in South Orange County, California

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steve bell

New member
Dec 9, 2012
Am currently staying monthly at Newport Dunes and want to move down below Lake Forest to South County. Any info on sites and parks would be appreciated. Please let me know about monthly costs if you know them. Thanks for all info.
Two come to mind in the San Diego area, Chula Vista RV Resort and Santee Lakes.  Both can be googled for their websites. :)

Other than a county park in the Trabuco canyon area, I never found anything.  We stayed at the Elks lodges in Santa Ana and Garden Grove while visiting my son in Trabuco Canyon, Mission Viejo area.  Sure would have been nice if we could have found one.

There are also some state beaches but a week or 2 is the maximum stay.

I believe there are some in North San Diego Co. But they are all south of the Marine Base.  If retired Military, the base may have a RV park.
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