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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2010
I did it again. While winterizing the motor home I watched antifreeze come out of the water heater and onto the ground. By the time I got back to the switch to shut it off I probably lost three gallons. :mad: Yes I did switch the bypass switch. Like most mine has the dreaded check valve that failed. Once I got the check valve off I was amazed as to the amount of crude in it. From now on I am going to start the winterizing process with plain water to eliminate the surprises then switch to antifreeze. ;) By the way the temperatures here took a dive after thanksgiving.
Dry method saves a lot of antifreeze because none is used...  ;D

As for the valve thing happens to the best of us... Like this winter I winterized and parked if for the winter plugged it in to charge the batteries... Opps the 120V for the water heater was still on.  ::)
My last 3 5'ers had only 2 valves that had to be turned to winterize, as the water heaters had a check valve. Went to winterize the new rig, turned the 2 valves and presto! pink stuff starts running out the heater. Took a closer look and evidently to save money the water heater must not have a check valve as it has a 3rd valve instead.
I always winterize my self.  This year I found a really simple way to do it.  I have a Pace Arrow and in the water pump compartment there are several pvc lines and two valves.  One of the valves is a ''water thief'' valve.  I use it to put water from my hydron hook up directly into my stowage tank.  It is very handy in that you do not have to poke the water hose in the fitting on the side of the coach.  The other valve is a two way valve and it is there to pump in your anti freeze in the system after you drain everything and it is a P.I.A.  to get to.  With my bad knee I had great difficulty getting down to turn that valve in the proper direction.  I finally gave up and looked for an alternive method.    I had already drained the holding tank.  I looked down at the tank and there is a nylon connector pipe between the fitting on the tank and the inlet line that goes to the water pump to pump water around the coach.    BINGO.... BRIGHT IDEA...    I took the screw clamps lose and went to the hardward and got about three foot of the proper plastic line.  I came home and hooked one end of the plastic line to the pipe that goes to the water pump.  I stuck the other end of the plastic line in a jug of antifreeze.  I had everything in the coach turned OFF, even the two ''low point'' drain valves.  I went inside and turned on the pump..............  It ran for about 20 seconds pressurizing the system and cut off.  (I had closed the water heater by pass valve and drained the water heater, so I would not fill up the water heater with anti freeze)  I went to the furtherst valve in the system and turned it on.  When it showed ''pink'' I turned it off and proceded to the next valve, working my way thru the inside of the coach, one sink at a time.  I always take the shower hoses lose and drain ''both of them''...  When I stop getting ''pink'' I go back and put on another gallon jug after pouring the left overs from the first jug in the second one.  After I get ''pink'' from all the faucets, I am careful to pour about a cup full in the ''p'' traps on the sinks and the tub drain lines and I am careful to squirt the comode hose till the water runs pink and then I put a cupfull in the toilet. 
This method works fine for me.  When finished I took the new three foot hose and ''pig tailed'' it once and stuck it back on the water tank fitting, tightened up the clamp. 
Now to winterize the coach all I have to do is take one hose lose, stick it in a jug of antifreeze and fill the lines.  Simple, and you dont have to crawl into a compartment, bump you head, scratch your hand, put your knee in ''dog poop'' left by the neighbors dog and have the compartment door fall on your head a few times while you hold your flashlight in your teeth while you look for that stinkin' little valve that you can neither reach nor see.  (goodness)

Remember,  If you use my winterizing method you must pay me ten cents the next time you see me.  As always, my best ''advise'' to you is  NEVER TAKE MY ADVISE.....cj

ps.  To drain the antifreeze I just put about 20 gallons of fresh water in the holding tank and start the pump while opening valves one at a time and watch the ''pink'' turn clear,  put the ''Hot Rod'' heater back into the water heater and open the bypass and let the water heater re fill, replace the shower hoses and have a beer.  It works for me .......
Tourmaster said:
Mopar1973Man did you fry your 120V heater element?

Might have... Don't know yet... Been busy that I've not worried about the RV since its not going anywhere since snow is on its way. But I'm going to guess not because the water heater tank was warm to the touch. So it was still creating heat when I shut it off.
One time in the spring I fried mine. When I got the MH out of storage and plugged it in I had the switch on for the electric water heater element and the water heater was empty. Lesson learned it only takes once. I'll never do that again. Any other RV that I every owned did not have the electric water heater feature so at the time it was new to me.
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