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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2022
Oxford, England
Hi all, you may or nay not know that we have a 2006 Fourwinds Hurricane 31D.
I am installing a diesel Air heater into the bus, l need to find a 12volt supply for it, l have removed the two drawers in the bathroom (under the wardrobe) and there are lots of wires in the space, does anyone know what the wires do, or have a wiring diagram that may help, any help greatly appreciated
I can’t help you with your question but I will recommend that you go into your profile and create a signature of yourself telling us a little bit about yourself and your RV. This will save you from having to continually tell us what you have for a rig. Safe travels,
Your voltmeter is your friend but the problem is many of those wries may have 12 volts on them and you need to identify the one you want. First if a wire is BLUE.. It likely (50%) will have 12 volts on it but it's not the wire you want.

To ID find a "hot" (12 volt) wire and then pull and replace fuses till it's no longer HOT.
A Test light might be easier than a volt metert. (LIGHT = Hot, Dark = Not)
You can't just find any wire that has 12V on it and connect to it. Depending on the number of amps that heater requires, you need to consider wire size and the amount of power already in use, compared to the fuse that supplies it. It would probably be better to run a new wire with it's own fuse to supply the new heater.
You can't just find any wire that has 12V on it and connect to it.

Thanks for adding that.. I was going to on this pass.
You likely need a 10 amp line ( Though I was surprised that the Atwood Furnace I had the owners manual says like 3.5) An Oil Fired will need a bit more power due to having to pump oil as well as move air.
I agree with Kirk. 12 volt Diesel furnaces draw a fair amount of amperage when they first fire up - glow plug, fuel pump, fan etc. If it were me, I'd wire it directly to a 12 volt bus bar and fuse it there too. Just my 2 cents,


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