With gas prices going up again - what is the best rebate card?

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
Montana in Summer - S CA this winter
With the ever increasing fuel prices, I was wondering if anyone here takes advantage of any of the credit card / debit card - grocery store chain rebate cards.

I have a Smiths card and get a rebate on my fuel purchases, but it isn't very productive and there are few Smiths grocery stores along the highway.

Any ideas...or experience.


Smiths is owned by Kroger and part of a group, all of which honor the others discount cards. All that is except the Fred Meyer group who has their own separate and non-transferrable system. So you can also collect the points and discounts at Ralphs, Fry's, Krogers, etc. depending on which state you're in.

We find that the Kroger chain often has the lowest prices on diesel and ample room for us to take our 43' coach in to fill up. Safeway/Vons occasionally has a good price too.

I get most my gas from Walmart. Pick up a walmart gift card and put some money on it then use the card for gas and save 10 cents per gal....Easy...
If you qualify, and anyone can, get the PenFed VISA card that pays 5% cashback on all pay at the pump fuel purchases.  At today's prices that's around $.20/gallon.
I have had the Pen-fed Visa card that Ned mentioned for quite a while now. They will give you 5%back no matter what gas as long as you purchase at the pump. They credit you each month, no threshold. They also give you credit back for other purchases, but at 1/4%. Bank Of America has a special right now with 1% on all purchases,2% on groceries and 3% on gas. Don't know how long it will last.
They also make you jump through several hoops on their website. Don't know what check paying is like. They also have a $25 threshold to get your payback.
Ned said:
If you qualify, and anyone can, get the PenFed VISA card that pays 5% cashback on all pay at the pump fuel purchases.  At today's prices that's around $.20/gallon.

I use my PenFed to pay at the Kroger pump.<s>

We do double dipping.  We buy Walmart gift cards using our Penfed credit card as Ned mentioned.  Everything that Walmart supercenters sell shows up as food which gives a 3% cash back then the gift card gives 3, 5, 10 cent discounts (depends on the state).  Here in Florida, it is a better deal to just use the Penfed card at the pump for the 5% cash back.
Using your Smith's card along with the Pen-Fed visa will likely give you the largest discounts. Chase Visa has been giving a 5% cash back on fuel during a 3 month period each year. Discover lowered their fuel card to 3% cash back with a monthly limit.

To add a little to the statement about Kroger's chains, they also include City Market, and Dillions. It has been a while since I used them but the card use to also work at the Kroger owned convenience stores like Loaf N' Jug and Kwik Shop. The pumps have the same multi-color logo as the Kroger, Smith, etc fuel stops.
The WalMart idea works well, for states that have fuel at WalMart. The west, mostly west of Texas, finding fuel at WalMart is like finding a handful of chicken teeth at Kentucky Fried.

I forgot to mention using AmEx at Kroeger stations to get your Kroeger discount and the 3% on AmEx. The PenFed 5% is awful tempting to get just for fuel.

One of the problems with cash back or rebate cards is in many areas they charge two prices for fuel (or more) one if you pay with cash, one if you pay with plastic, In some cases a DEBIT card is billed as cash, in others credit.  Where I'm at Credit is more expensive.

Now, one exception is Murphy USA, They too charge 3 (or 4) prices.

If you go into the affiliated Wal-Mart (or any Wal-Mart) and obtain and fill up a gift card (You can re-fill an existing gift card) then go to the Murphy's and stick it in the pump, depending on the time of year you get either 3? or 10?  off the cash price (usually the ten cents off is before Christmas).

They have another card that gives even a greater discount, but it costs money.

This is not a rebate, You do not get "Money back" you get CENTS OFF at the pump.
Studies also show that you are likely to spend more money using a credit card, compared to cash.  It's so easy to just "swipe" and walk away, rather than the painful experience of watching cash disappear from your hand.  ;)

A few cents here or there is always nice when you can get it (and I'm as frugal as the next guy), but with the fuel consumption rate on RV's there probably is not much you can do to save on fuel... except to drive slower.  Let's say you do get 5 cents back on 50 gallons... that's a $2.50 savings for that fill-up.  With $4/gallon gas and average 7mpg, if you drive 4.3 miles out of your way to a particular station (where you can get the discount), then the discount is already gone. 

I just always watched the interstate gas price signs, and hopped to an exit when I saw an advertised price that seemed a bit less than the others I'd passed.
Just getting a short way from the interstates will almost always find considerably cheaper fuel. Gas Buddy is your "Buddy" :)
Paying attention to where the state boundaries are when it is time to take on fuel can also make a difference. On the East Coast, New Jersey and South Carolina have the lowest fuel taxes on diesel that I am aware of. Just being on the right side of the state line can save $0.20 a gallon. Georgia is always less expensive than Florida so topping off before crossing the state line can save a little.
Since I can't change prices of fuel but I can change my driving habit and maintenance habit to maximize my MPG's for my vehicles. I would suggest getting a ScanGauge II and learn how to increase you MPG's by driving habits.
mopar1973man's ScanGauge sugestion..i too use my ScanGauge D to show me the best operating range (rpm/mph). 1- 1/2 mpg increase when you find the optimum or some say sweet spot..

peter d
My AmEx card does not five me a cash back when I get gas at Kroeger chain stores.  Only gas stations and other fuel stops.  It states no food chains etc.  When leaving the area or returning I always get it there for conveinience.

I ordered a scan guage today and will just really start to monitor my mileage and just look for the least expensive gas I can find. I also applied for the Penn-Fed card....between the two I am hoping it makes a big difference on my drive back up to Alaska in April!

Thanks for all the suggestions and input...


Wigpro said:
I am hoping it makes a big difference on my drive back up to Alaska in April!

Don't expect TOO big of a difference... it will still be a giant box on wheels, fighting to move against every natural force.  ;)  A few dollars per tank maybe, but expecting any more than that might leave you disappointed.
scottydl said:
Don't expect TOO big of a difference... it will still be a giant box on wheels, fighting to move against every natural force.  ;)  A few dollars per tank maybe, but expecting any more than that might leave you disappointed.

Exactly. The slower you travel the less forces of drag on the vehicle.

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