Are you looking for campground work, or just any seasonal type position? My hubby and I have done both and prefer to work off site and then pay for our RV spot. We make more money and are not interrupted all hours of the day and night by campers. But that is an individual choice. Sometimes I look for a job first, sometimes I look for a place to stay first. In all honesty, there are a million jobs out there, so you should find one easily. Put together a good one page resume with a picture of you and your rig on it. Make sure you list your qualities of reliability, honesty and friendliness along with any technical skills you have. Don't necessarily take the first job offered and if possible go to the workplace to check it out before you give them a final decision...sometimes things sound nicer on paper than they do when you get there. Anyway, that's my 2 bits...the key is to ENJOY.