Xantrex SW2512MC2 Inverter

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Oct 21, 2012
I have recently purchased a 2005 HR Navigator, I plugged into 50 amp shore power with the batteries topped off.
I went out of town for a few weeks upon return checked rv and had over current light showing on inverter remote.
Reset inverter now not charging house or chasis batteries, inverter has bulk charge light on, but meter showing
discharge of 4 to 9 amps. Chasis batteries dead, house batteries down to 10.3 volts. Put charger on chasis batteries and charged overnight, the next morning chasis batteries were up enough to start generator and noticed house batteries were also up to 12.4 volts. Disconnected small charger and started gen. set. Inverter still discharging with bulk charge light showing on inverter remote display. I have reset inverter, also unplugged battery temp. sensor. Meter on remote showing 0 amp charge but bulk charge light still on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It doesn't sound good for the inverter - it may have suffered a fatal event. To make the news even worse, Xantrex no longer provides parts for that family of inverters, so repairs may not be possible.
I am thinking along same lines, may have found a rebuilt sw2512mc2. I have purchased a surge protecter. Does anyone have any ideas of what I need to do to protect the replacement unit?  I would hate to fry replacement inverter because of same problem that wiped out original inverter. Thx for your assistance Gary
Guessing the cause is all but impossible when nobody was around to observe at the time of the failure. A power surge is conceivable, but not all that likely to do damage (despite the hysteria in the RV community). A bad/weak neutral on the shore supply is probably more likely cause of an external power problem, but a good power monitor/protector will handle that too. Heat is another very likely factor - the inverters are often in places that lack good ventilation and they can get pretty warm at times.

My Xantrex RV2512 had a similar mysterious failure. The charger continued to work but the inverter portion threw various error codes and there was no obvious reason for it. My coach has a built-in power line monitor and surge protector, so external power wasn't a factor, and it was winter (in FLorida), so heat should not have been an issue either.  That was three years ago and I was fortunate to find a shop that still had the necessary replacement circuit board on the shelf. If it happens again, I'm out of luck
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