Canada Question

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yes, you have to fill out the arivecan app before you get to the border if not they will make you do it at the border tying up the line and you may get up to a $5000 fine.. If not vaccinated you have to quarantine.
Looking to get back into New Brunswick and Nova Scotia from the US shortly. Anyone been there lately. Are they still requiring Covid Vaccine documentation
I believe Kirk may be correct - however -It may not be so solidly implemented in Alberta border crossings.

However if you do happen to get across the border, you can drive in to nova scotia without issue, that being said the rules and quasi laws and restrictions change daily, the arrivecan app is deeply hated by a large segment of society, it is buggy, intrusive, and down right anti Canadian - but I am biased!
Download the ArriveCan app, and you will see what is needed for a simple tourist crossing. It isn’t complicated, but if you are not fully vaccinated (the app gives you links to their definition of that), there are numerous limitations. Carolyn notes the app is buggy, but I haven’t seen that. And I still remember when you had to show vaccination records (on little cards!) to travel to countries way before COVID, so I guess I don’t find it intrusive. Just remember - no eggs or raw chicken! That is one thing they are really careful about these days. So is the US for that matter. Mine got confiscated going into the US because I hadn’t looked at the rules carefully. Silly me, because I would have made deviled eggs with them!
Download the ArriveCan app, and you will see what is needed for a simple tourist crossing. It isn’t complicated, but if you are not fully vaccinated (the app gives you links to their definition of that), there are numerous limitations. Carolyn notes the app is buggy, but I haven’t seen that. And I still remember when you had to show vaccination records (on little cards!) to travel to countries way before COVID, so I guess I don’t find it intrusive. Just remember - no eggs or raw chicken! That is one thing they are really careful about these days. So is the US for that matter. Mine got confiscated going into the US because I hadn’t looked at the rules carefully. Silly me, because I would have made deviled eggs with them!
I agree travel sometimes required “statements” and little cards and not to run off into politics -but I heartily disapprove of our Canadian governments response to Covid, as a RN who worked the pandemic I have strong feelings about the whole shebang, which mightily includes the “arrive can app” AND I will not download it, nor use it nor support it in any form or fashion, but then I gave back my Liberal membership card, cheered for the freedom convoy, follow James Topp a Canadian soldier as he marches across Canada and am beyond disturbed by the digital intrusion into my health choices .
As a Canadian if I leave the country I have a right to return to the country it says so in my passport.

As a nurse of many years I believe people have the right to choose -I might not like their choice BUT I would support them to the nth degree to have it and exercise it.

I think the states might let me in to spend the winter in Florida this year, but if my return to Canada depends on the arrive can app, I might have to sit in Calais Maine for the rest of my days-just my deeply felt opinion.
You do not have to use ArriveCan.
You do not have to be fully vaccinated as long as your travel is to reach your residence or a job and you have a PCR test by a medical pro in the last 72 hrs.
When I crossed in June (Portal, ND), I was not vaxed, did not use ArriveCan. They did ask if I had eggs, I said yes. They asked where from, I said grocery store in Iowa. That was the end of that.
Carolyn makes a valid point as a resident, she had rights to enter her country irrespective of vaccine status or arrivecan app. However, as a visitor, whatever the country you are visiting requires, that is their right, and you have a simple choice. Comply and be allowed to enter, or don't comply and go somewhere else.
Our entry to Canada back in April was easy as we completed the app. Returning to the US as a visitor was also easy, we didn't need to provide vaccination status, but were subject to questions on what food we had. Nothing less than we expected, and the border officials were extremely polite and friendly.
The app might be quicker, I don't know. I do know that I didn't use it, and was not required to use it when I got to the border, and did not hold up the flow of traffic by not using it. They didn't mention an app, didn't ask me if I tried to use the app.
They did supply self tests that were to be used while on a Zoom call with a government health rep. After explaining that my phone was incapable of doing a Zoom call due to my aversion to performing software upgrades, I was allowed to do the test while on a voice only call.
When completed, the test is to be dropped off at an approved location. Found an approved drugstore, brought it there, and they had no clue they were supposed to accept them. Had to get them to hand write a receipt so I would have some proof it was submitted.
The app might be quicker, I don't know. I do know that I didn't use it, and was not required to use it when I got to the border, and did not hold up the flow of traffic by not using it. They didn't mention an app, didn't ask me if I tried to use the app.
They did supply self tests that were to be used while on a Zoom call with a government health rep. After explaining that my phone was incapable of doing a Zoom call due to my aversion to performing software upgrades, I was allowed to do the test while on a voice only call.
When completed, the test is to be dropped off at an approved location. Found an approved drugstore, brought it there, and they had no clue they were supposed to accept them. Had to get them to hand write a receipt so I would have some proof it was submitted.
sounds about right, unfortunately for me( I say unfortunately because all choices do have ramifications) but I will not participate in such testing -I did thousands of such tests for others who chose to have such a test done, - polite always, -it is not the border patrols fault, nor the policeman's, nor the bankers, nor the doctors, nor the fellow health care professionals, nor even the executioners fault, some ( not all) have been caught in a trap- enforce a quasi rule that troubles their conscience , or forfeit the job - or bear the consequence.

I would be quite comfortable having a “non invasive temperature” cheque done. I find no fault at all with what others chose to do, - I speak only for my own personal decision.
When we crossed back in April, unless you had completed the app, you could be fined or refused entry for non compliance.
Crossing the border in eastern Canada as transit to a job or residence in Alaska probably won’t fly. I know Wasilla guy was successful doing that crossing in Idaho and as an Alaska resident, but the poster wants to go to NS and NB. Not the same situation at all. And while I accept Carolyn’s personal convictions, they don’t help a US citizen who wants to do touristy things in a foreign country. As a visitor to a sovereign nation, you follow their rules. The Canadian government has links to the rules in the app which make it easy to find them. And note there are special categories for both returning Canadian citizens and those who are in transit to Alaska, but that doesn’t sound like any help at all to this poster.
it is not the border patrols fault, nor the policeman's, nor the bankers, nor the doctors, nor the fellow health care professionals, nor even the executioners fault, some ( not all) have been caught in a trap- enforce a quasi rule that troubles their conscience , or forfeit the job - or bear the consequence.
Mostly agree, though it could be argued that deciding to stay working and enforce something that troubles your conscience is a fault. If you won't give up your fortunes to hold on to your principles, that's a fault.
When we crossed back in April, unless you had completed the app, you could be fined or refused entry for non compliance.
yep, I heard this, I also heard some politely said NO, here is my passport, and some were issued fines etc, whether they paid or objected - like most things regarding the past few years it depends on who you ask.
Mostly agree, though it could be argued that deciding to stay working and enforce something that troubles your conscience is a fault. If you won't give up your fortunes to hold on to your principles, that's a fault.
yes, you could be correct, I chose NOT to participate in the injection delivery, ( my conscience) but I had no issue with performing the swab, even though I myself never had one, -oh yes I did, Four months after I lost my job, and having worked with hundreds of potentially sick people, I got covid, I did a self test, reported it to no one, stayed home and drank fluids - I am getting too old for this stuff, so decided I would take up a new interest- RV exploration.
Crossing the border in eastern Canada as transit to a job or residence in Alaska probably won’t fly. I know Wasilla guy was successful doing that crossing in Idaho and as an Alaska resident, but the poster wants to go to NS and NB. Not the same situation at all. And while I accept Carolyn’s personal convictions, they don’t help a US citizen who wants to do touristy things in a foreign country. As a visitor to a sovereign nation, you follow their rules. The Canadian government has links to the rules in the app which make it easy to find them. And note there are special categories for both returning Canadian citizens and those who are in transit to Alaska, but that doesn’t sound like any help at all to this poster.
true, if I were an american citizen hoping to get to NS, I might try crossing the border in the western provinces. or of course seek out what ever app they might have, or not have
Mostly agree, though it could be argued that deciding to stay working and enforce something that troubles your conscience is a fault. If you won't give up your fortunes to hold on to your principles, that's a fault.
are you kidding, this old bird “made” a fortune providing covid care, and the only time in all my nursing career Where you were told to stay home - if you had so much as a sniffle - I would still provide testing, I would not provide injections BUT I would be more than happy to direct you to someone who would.
If I discount, the emotional, physical and psychological trauma, and damage inflicted on both myself and my fellow citizens - I would say heh, Covid ( and the reaction to it) was a God send. It is all in perspective friend. Some colleagues, will never again speak to me, some church members turn the other way when I walk by. I have been lauded as a hero, and as a villain, I have been neither, just an old lady making her way. My story amongst thousands. I am hoping for a few more decades to see how this all plays out, the testing of the kids was the hardest, BUT i was very good at it, so I continued.
I chose NOT to participate in the injection delivery
Good on you Carolyn.
Prior to covid, but I walked away from my profession due to safety concerns for my employees. I consider it my own failure that I was unable to convince my bosses the risks were unacceptable, but in the end my choices were to accept it or give up my career. Lucky enough to be at an age and financial point that I could do so.
Earlier in life, when building my career, I had to compromise, so I will not judge anyone for their decisions now. Besides, judging people is God's territory, I just live here.
yes, you have to fill out the arivecan app before you get to the border if not they will make you do it at the border tying up the line and you may get up to a $5000 fine.. If not vaccinated you have to quarantine.
Have a friend that lives in Vernon. She came down to visit us last year in Washington State last year and on her return trip she had the dreaded crossing that cost her much grief and the hefty 5,000. She just finished her court procedure and that fine was dropped to 200.00
This has killed our travel plans for the Maritimes and Newfoundland that has been featured on out travel list of a long time now. All of that aside, we are both afraid of the known "Vaccines" as all those that I have gotten responses from do contain colloidal nano aluminum and my family has a history of Alzheimers. My wife has survived one stroke already. When they come up with a true vaccine that is safe, I will reevaluate my thinking. I would like to do that.
Maybe Canada customs will wake up soon. The CDC is admitting it was a huge mistake, and are talking about reorganizing the whole agency. Lawsuit precedent has already been set in Illinois re religious exemption, and there will be thousands more to follow.
Documents show the pharma companies and CDC knew about miscarriages and other major problems with the "vaccines" and proceeded anyway.

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