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Well-known member
May 29, 2006
Poulsbo WA
I'm curious if there are any opinions on this make.

Last year I almost took a shot at getting a Eurocoach - I think it was an '88 - and, at the time, I recalled it as being a classy looking rig. Lots of dark wood inside, plenty big. It looked more like a "bus" than the Bounder we bought. I kind of chickened out at the end - the age and price both seemed high. Now, after hanging at this forum, I can see that a good MH with a solid foundation like a well-maintained diesel and an Alison tranny (did I get that right?) can still be a good buy, even with 100,000+ miles.

Anyone here have any experience with Eurocoach?

Poulsbo WA
My biggest concern would be chassis service and parts, depending on what engine, chassis and transmission were in it.  Euro-coach buses are built on a variety of chassis (depending on size and weight) and use European diesels (e.g. Mercedes) , so chassis service could be somewhat of a problem here. Motorhome body parts & service are no more - or less - a problem than any other orphan RV.

Personally, if I were buying an older coach I would prefer one built on a popular chassis so that I would be assured that parts were more generally available. Finding parts for older models can be difficult enough without picking a rare beastie.
Hey glad you brought this topic up Danny... I was directed to a few Champion Eurocoach models on by Shayne and ran across this beauty:

Like you said, a much more modern bus-like appearance for an older rig... quite rare and pretty much what I'm looking for!  I've been told to avoid the older diesels in general, so the Mercedes engine wouldn't be an issue for me.  But it certainly is notable to think about the other parts that might need replacing I suppose.  I know Shayne mentioned he owned a Eurocoach and enjoyed it, but that was probably several years ago when the model was much newer than it is now.
We had a 90 in 91 to 93.  Never did a thing too it except oil changes and normal maintenence.  Loved the coach and later wished I'd kept it another  year but they quit making them and I paniced like a dummy.
Scotty - Nice looking unit and just about what I came close to buying. For it's age and cost, it seems solid, in great shape and classy. The point about parts is a good one bur isn't a John Deere chassis common? To me, unless you're buying a top-of-the line brand new rig, it's all a crap shoot. From scrolling on this board, it's evident that some makes should be avoided but the majority seem to have both fans and detractors.

This one is close to your price range, no? Looks nice ...... ya gotta be thinking about it ...

Shayne - I probably would have done the same thing. Common reaction when makes of anything are discontinued.
John Deere has been out of the RV chassis business for a long time. JD became Oshkosh Chassis which was later bought up by Freightliner and became the nucleus of Freightliner Customer Chassis Corp [FCCC], their RV chassis operation.  So, you may be able to get some help with a Deere chassis via FCCC, but I wouldn't count on a lot. Engines and transmissions for a Deere should be generic models, though, and no harder than usual to get old parts.
I really wouldn't have gotten rid of it for that reason but a guy offered me more than I thought it was worth under the circumstances  so he bought himself a unit.  However I was very pleased with it.,
chaajoad said:
This one is close to your price range, no? Looks nice ...... ya gotta be thinking about it ...

Surely am... but it's about 6 states away and the seller won't answer my e-mails sent thus far.  Plus its price of $9800 is WAY lower than the other Eurocoach prices I've seen of $15-25k... so the seller is either being realistic or there is some problem with it not disclosd in the ad.  I may call about it in the near future if it doesn't sell and I'm getting restless.  ;)
Scotty - I'm not urging you one way or the other ... if you get a lemon you might come looking for me. BUT ...

When we bought our MH I was also worried I was getting too good of a deal. The final offer on ebay was below the reserve price and definitely over what I had to play with. When the auction ended with the "reserve not met" sign, I contacted the guy and simply told him my best offer and would that do the deal?

He said "yes" within minutes.

I was also suspicious, thinking it would blow up in my face and it still may  :) - but the guy just wanted to get rid of it and move on to his next project. I think he was okay with making a smaller but easy and quick profit, rather than draw it out for an unknown amount of time. As I've often seen on this board - make an offer. It's surprising what might happens. As for 6 states away, if the deal is good enough, hop on a plane. Or even a Greyhound.

But, like I said, the above is for entertainment purposes only and is not be construed as expert advice. I say this only partly in jest ...
chaajoad said:
But, like I said, the above is for entertainment purposes only and is not be construed as expert advice. I say this only partly in jest ...

No backing out, I'm taking your word as gold and making offers on EVERYTHING now!!!!!!  Yeehaw!!!  ;D  j/k
Looks as if Scotty has decided to get his feet wet and join the rest of us as decideing wheather we did the right thing or not, when we finally did get started.  Once you get accustomed to it, you think to yourself,  Wow why didn't I do this sooner?  Only difference from buying an older car, More $ and more to go wrong.  The older we get the more expensive our toys become.
Shayne said:
Only difference from buying an older car, More $ and more to go wrong.  The older we get the more expensive our toys become.

And I'm no rookie to older cars either.  I have a 1969 Pontiac Executive that I've owned for about 10 years, and had a 1973 Buick Electra 225 before that.  The Executive has been a great car too, and is much easier to work on than new cars that are 100% computer-controlled.
Hey Shayne - When we moved to our current home about 4 1/2 years back, first thing I did was put a portable fire pit on the back deck. The first night I had a cracklin' fire and sat taking in all the stars I could never see in Ohio, I was asking myself: why didn't I do this for the last 30 years? A hot dog, a cold beer, a fire and a quiet night? Wowwww ... guess I never thought about it. Now I can't imaginme NOT having a fire on the weekend, no matter where we live.

Same thing with the MH - why didn't I do it earlier? I totally understand where Scotty is coming from. Like me, he'll get a used rig. And, like me, there will be both things we KNOW are wrong and struggle to fix and things that go wrong after we buy it that will most likely ding the budget. And there is a big ldearning curve. But, like a houe, it most likely won't be the last MH he or I own. Like a house, it seems owners work their way up - very common.

But it is a greatr way to hang out with the family and enjoy the countryside. We're really looking forward to the next trip ...

Poulsbo WA

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