Why not a RV CB Channel?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ya, I know.  I wasn't sure if he was truly offended (not my purpose), misunderstood, or itchin for a fight.  I tried to take the low road.
BTW - the reason for the "trucker's dialect" is so the speaker can't be positively identified in case a police officer is monitoring the channel.  The driver could give a "smokey report" over the CB in the dialect, then deny it in his natural voice if he was pulled over and questioned about it.
geodrake said:
...........Then they all try to play like "Convoy" talking about bears, mounties, and handles.
Heck, we were doing all that stuff long before that convoy movie came out!  They stole it from us!  And the echo boxes and roger beeps came later.  Hate those things.
Ive played around with CB's since the late 60's.....used it much more back then than now But with that being said, I still have them around. I have two in the MH, one on Channel 13 the other on 19. We just completed an 8000 mile, 6 week trip, I never heard one "Peep" on 13 at all...I even tried calling any RV'er out there? On the other hand, Channel 19 is always hopping when your on the Interstates the truckers use. I hear about this "offensive" language all the time and I have two comments regarding this.....on this trip, I heard (1) instance of any questionable language and taking the "kids" scenario out, I'm old enough to have heard anything any trucker can offer up in regards to language. Many times I find most of the conversations entertaining and Even quite humorous. Now that's not to say there aren't so real Jerks out their either........but that doesn't mean its a truck driver! 

All in all, I wish RV'ers would adopt 13 as a channel and embrace it but it hasn't caught on yet....
And as for the "HillBilly" thang. We prefer to be referred to as Apalashion-Americans.
I suspect that RVers might have trouble asking for exclusive use of any channel.

I own a small trucking company and I know, and my drivers know, that at many shippers and consignees locations the businesses use what ever channel that happens to be to their liking. The channels vary all over so any special selected channel may find competition by someone not trying to use it in certain areas. Also, various large trucking companies use different channels for their drivers. Even chanel 19 is not universal for truckers in various areas.
Well heck, I'm a newbie here... what better job for a newbie than to dredge up old threads.

I have a CB in my truck. I commute about 4 hrs a day, all on the SoCal freeways, some of which are major trucking routes. This area is sort of polluted by over amplified loud mouths who's only apparent goal in life is to sit in their mommy's basement and stir up trouble on the radio. From what I understand, there is only ONE fcc rep for all of SoCal. If he were to sit out along the 10 near the truckstop, he could pick up 2 or 3 regular idiots.

That being said. If I go places with friends who also have radios, we just turn up the squelch until you don't hear anything. Travelling close to your buddies, when they transmit, they will talk over the squelch. You don't have to listen to the idiots.

Also, out at the land speed races, they anounce the run times, staging groups, etc. over the cb as well as their loud speaker.

Old thread, revisited. You're welcome.  :p
maybe the individual RV'ers are too independent to agree on much of anything, much less agree on a CB channel...  If, even 50% of RV'ers, agreed on Channel 13 or whatever, the convergence would be amazing.  There's almost 2-3 Million RV'ers around which is probably enough to make it work.  Oh well.
Well, I'll continue to monitor Channel 19 and 9 because my transceiver has the capability to scan both at the same time, but not 13.  And if you want me you will have to come up to 19 and ask me to come down to 13.  The reason I will continue to stay on 19 is as a retired truck driver,  the accident and other emergency info passed on by other drivers has saved my butt so many times it is hard to count them all.  Just have to put up with some of the childish conscience on that channel.  You have to remember that truck driving is a very boring existance, all by yourself behind the wheel for hours.  You do that day in and day out and you  begin to think that you are the most knowledge and important person around.  Hey, that is lots like the internet!!
I agree that RVers should stick together and monitor channel 13, as it is the channel already known and somewhat being used.  I will.  I will also place a sticker on my RV which says I monitor channel 13.  If all RVers did just that, it would be an instant successful launch of RV channel 13.  Whats to loose?  If we want it, we can have it.  We all just have to agree to actively use it.  When all RVers are using channel 13, then it will be as popular as any other channel.  There are plenty of us.  Then all road information will be available, without all the bad language - or most of it.  I also think we should talk just like we talk to each other, without all the code and such.  I think Good Sam should begin to actively support the channel.  Let's do it.  Tell your fellow RVers.  Send email and letters to Good Sam requesting their support and advertisement in their magazines.  Request each park you stay overnight in to post signs advertising the RV CB Channel 13.  And - MONITOR AND USE CHANNEL 13.
On the road 19
Parked camping 13
See yall down da hiways n biways.
Keep da shiny side up n da greassy side down. Beep

Oh yes and you do not need morse code to become an amateur radio operator...
Its way more fun.
This has been a good subject.  I have enjoyed the all the opinion's.  As a proud Hillbilly and long time traveler, I agree with George Drake  people should strive to be understood when transmitting on the CB.
Channel 9 on CB is special.  If everyone doesn't use it for anything no one is monitoring it.  I suggest we all monitor 9 as usual practice.  If traveling with a group (RVing) maybe use 13.  But there are only a few who would complain if you called your friend on 9, then went to another channel to continue your conversation and returned to 9 when the talk was over.  The FCC does not monitor to verify the emergency is in fact an emergency.  Tieing up 9 would be very inconsiderate, but no one monitoring it is even worse!  I think respectfully using 9 as a calling channel and the others as conversing channels actually supports 9 as emergency far greater than no one listening to 9

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