Generator w/ac ?

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2006
Edinburg Va
I was running the generator yesterday with both a/c units running for about two hours just to use them both for awhile. Everything worked excellent but when I went to shut them down I turned the bedroom a/c off first and the generator and the front a/c cut off also. So I turned the front one to off, and waited maybe a minute then tried the gen again and it fired right up, then turned on bedroom a/c again and turned it back off and everything was fine!!

Does anyone know what would've made the front a/c and generator to cut off the first time I turned the back a/c off???

There is one thing I can think of.. Inductive "Kick"  When you turned off the AC the motor did a few things that motors do when you shut them down.. It attempted to keep sucking current.  This results in an inductive "kickback" (Surge) into the system. This was great enough that the generator's control board said "HOLD ON, Fault here, SHUT DOWN to protect things"  And so it did.

At least that is my first guess if it only happens on rare occasions.

Thanks John, It has only happened once so far! I hope it doesn't become a recurring problem.

What will have to be done if it does start happening all the time?

Well, if it becomes a recurring theme, then if you have to ask I suggest professional help.. The problem here is I'm not sure if it is a generator problem or an AC problem so you may have to visit a couple of professionals.

My first suspect would be the Genset control board.
Sometimes you need to let the AC sit so the head pressure drops before trying to start it again.  It might blow the fuse.

The Generator is a Onan 7000 Marguis..

It quit running completely, then I started back up after turning the front ac to off.

I have the same genset as you, and have never had that problem. If an overload happens, the c.b's ( either the ones on the genset or the main breaker panel) should have popped. An overload would not/should not have shut down to generator itself. Stupid question, and I don't mean to sound too basic, but do you have more than 1/4 - 1/8th tank of gasoline? The fuel pickup is higher than that for the engine, so it will shut down the genset while you still have enough gas to drive to a filling station. If you do have enough gas, is the problem repeatable? Try doing exactly the same things you were doing before and see if it happens again. If not, chances are you have two separate and unrelated problems; one perhaps with the load shedding for the a/c's, and another with the genset itself. Let us know what you find.
Karl  you beat me too the fuel aspect.  I read the thread and went to the kitchen and came back and you had posted.
Karl, Ron and Shayne, there is plenty of gas, like I said in the other post, I restarted the gen and turned the back ac on again then turned it off and nothing happened, worked ok!! The only thing that was different the second time was I didn't turn the front ac on at that time!!

We're leaving in 15 minutes for a weekend at the river so I'll be able to let you know somemore when we get back Sunday!!
It's suppose to be 100+ real feel  :'( here in Va. Sat and Sunday, that will put things to a test!! I hope it passes!! 

Everyone have good weekend! 8)

Just wanted to update on this topic..

Well, we had a great weekend!! :D Generator and AC's worked great, ran them about 15 hours per day and everything thing was fine!!


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