Crossing Canadian Border

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Mr Bojangles

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
Hamburg, PA.
Hi All:
Intend to enter Canada in late June or Early July this Year.... weeks away.
Have applied for Passport but may not get it in time for trip.....
Someone told me that PASSPORTS are not needed yet, and it will be sometime next year until passports are needed.
The only thing required is "Birth certificate" and "Driver's license". Can someone give inputs?

Crossed at buffalo and detroit in Feb...  Only required drivers licence...    don't know, it may change from day to day.
Passports are not required until 2007.  You will need photo id and proof of citizenship, so a drivers license and birth certificate will suffice.

You're OK with the documentation you have.? However be sure not to carry any defensive devices, including weapons or pepper spray and limit your total amount of alcohol and tobacco to the amounts listed.

Chances are pretty good you will be asked about weapons and defensive devices, and if your vehicle is searched and they find them, you'll be refused entry into our Country.

Click here for more information
Ned said:
....a drivers license and birth certificate will suffice.

Only if it's a U.S. birth certificate. We're both U.S. citizens, but our UK birth certificates wouldn't suffice to enter the U.S.

OTOH when I'd mislaid our passports before entering via boat at San Diego (the first port of entry coming north from Ensenada by sea), the customs officer asked for my driver's license. He then made a brief call to his office (at SD airport) and said "you're in the computer and you're good" - from my numerous overseas trips by air.
Of course, it would have to be a US birth certificate.  I assumed that was obvious.  But it's much easier with a passport.  You can't get a US passport with a UK birth certificate either :)
Ned said:
You can't get a US passport with a UK birth certificate either

We and millions of other naturalized citizens are testament to the fact that you can obtain a U.S. passport with a birth certificate from other countries, including the UK. Our U.S. passports look identical to ones issued to folks with a U.S. birth certificate. Our daughter was not naturalized, has a UK birth certificate and a U.S. passport. Oh, and we're all legal. Chris and I cherish our "personalized" welcome letters from The Gipper.

The requirement for a U.S. birth certificate I mentioned earlier had to do with entry into the U.S. without a U.S. passport.
If you can get a passport with a foreign it just isn't logical that such a certificate wouldn't suffice for entry as well.  The illogic of some things just boggles the mind.
I've crossed in several places and never had to show anything but a driver's license, going in either direction.
If you can get a passport with a foreign it just isn't logical that such a certificate wouldn't suffice for entry as well.  The illogic of some things just boggles the mind.

Apples and oranges, Ned.  You don't have to be born in the USA to obtain a USA passport - you just have to be a US citizen (and there are even a few exceptions to that). Ergo naturalization papers or other proof of citizenship can be used to obtain a passport.

Entering the country without a passport requires alternate proof that you are entitled to be here. A US birth certificate is prima facie evidence but another country's birth certificate would be meanlingless in that regard.
Ned said:
If you can get a passport with a foreign it just isn't logical that such a certificate wouldn't suffice for entry as well.  The illogic of some things just boggles the mind.

Ned I believe what was also irequired for the passport for Tom was naturalization documentation.
Tom didn't say he needed anything other than his UK birth certificate, so I ASS-U-MEd that was all he had to supply.  With the additional naturalization documents, it makes more sense.  But then why does he need the birth certificate, I'm sure he needed that to get the naturalization papers.

Let's just get rid of all the foreigners.  Of course, that wouldn't leave many people here :)  Maybe that's not all bad either.
Ned said:
Tom didn't say he needed anything other than his UK birth certificate...

That's mis-quoting/misrepresenting what I said. You stated that one could not obtain a U.S. passport with a UK birth certificate, which is not correct. I clearly stated that Chris and I, along with millions of other folks, are naturalized.

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