Story Behind Your Screen Name

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2017
Dover, DE & Mouth of Wilson, VA
There are some pretty unique screen names on the forum which must have some pretty interesting back stories. I am going to share the story behind mine. Anybody else care to? Inquiring minds want to know.

Oldgator73. When I retired from the Air Force I was 48. I got a job with a company doing gas pipeline inspections. My wife said one day it appeared I didn’t enjoy that job and suggested I apply at the University of Florida. I was accepted and started in 2000 at the age of 49. Suffice it to say I was the oldest student in all my classes and so some of the students started calling me the Old Gator. 73 is the year we were married.
Well I guess you can say my login is boring. But to keep from forgetting some fancy login, KISS was an easy guide to choose my login around my brand of porta potty on wheels .:cool:
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Same with mine.

I assume many of us are old enough to remember when we were charged to have an E-mail account.

So Tom and I shared one. I think it was back in the beginning of the on-line home computer days. Using our TI-94A with an expansion box. So I used the same username ever since and still use it everywhere even though Tom died of cancer in year 2016.

-Don- Reno, NV
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Back in the early days of the Internet, registering a domain name was expensive. So, I wanted a generic, non-descriptive domain that I could use for email and various online projects.

Looking at Harry Nilsson's Aerial Ballet album cover, I saw several handwritten notes. One read:

"Everyone should own a little jade box."

So, I bought the domain and became the owner of a little jade box.
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