Bad US travel advice given to European visitors.

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I know of a guy that held a high position that never admits when he’s wrong and he’s wrong most of the time.
I know a few people who knew of a guy like that. They thought the guy was wrong about everything, but then some time passed and things happened and it turned out the guy was actually right about some things. Many of them now have admitted they were wrong about him being wrong, and are beginning to rethink other issues they thought he was wrong about.
They are beginning to suspect that their sources of information were incredible, which then allows them to consider the possibility they were deceived, thus minimizing damage to their ego from all the historical wrongness.
I know a few people who knew of a guy like that. They thought the guy was wrong about everything, but then some time passed and things happened and it turned out the guy was actually right about some things. Many of them now have admitted they were wrong about him being wrong, and are beginning to rethink other issues they thought he was wrong about.
They are beginning to suspect that their sources of information were incredible, which then allows them to consider the possibility they were deceived, thus minimizing damage to their ego from all the historical wrongness.
Yeah. I’ve heard about that but with the guy I’m talking about that won’t happen. He’ll be in prison.
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