Quartzsite Rally January 2024

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2014
Cedar Falls, IA
Lots of conjecture about whether there will be a rally or not. I am here to announce that, yes, there will! It might be a lot smaller than before, but there will be one. “Official” dates will be Saturday, 20 January through Sunday, 28 January. Plans are loose at this point due to the construction of new dump stations at the old Tyson Wash location, but there is a LOT of space in the LTVAs. We intend on arriving in early January, hopefully by 2 January for an unrelated meeting in Q. Will anyone else be there earlier? If not, we will scope things out and announce a new location. Plans include a pot luck on 27 January and a ride to the Desert Bar on 28 January. Nightly Happy Hours at 4:00 around a campfire. Even if it is just us and a few others, we will have fun.
ETA There will definitely be a few 4WD trips too. We have a side by side now, and we will be familiar with some of the interesting trips by then.
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Depending on family issues that have prevented us from being in Q for the past few years, we will likely be in the area January. We have several fogged windows in our Pace and want to repair or replace. If anyone has had good experience with or is familiar with the companies that do repair or replacement windows in Quartzsite please let me know.

If we're still in the area during the RV Forum Rally, we'll likely spend a few days with the group or at least drop by to say hello.

Pam, since you'll be in Q more than two weeks, do you buy a long term pass?
We haven’t decided yet about which pass. You need to stay 10 weeks to have the long term pass be worthwhile financially, and we might only stay 6-8 weeks, but it does cut down on the hassle of getting new stickers every 2 weeks! It is still so cheap that I don’t worry about it much.
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We would have loved to be there to throw the proverbial English spanner in the works, but i'm hopefully having a small operation on my hand late November from which i'll still be having physio on.
Shame, cause we enjoy it so much.
To those who keep thinking about it, try it, I know it's not everyones cup of tea but you won't know till you been.
Good luck and safe travels to all.
Cyndi and I will be at Q this year but won't be able to stay with the group, because we've got a booth in the Big Tent. We'll be parked right outside the tent itself. We'd love to meet more RVForum members, so please come by booth 551 just to say hi.

Hope it goes really well for you guys!!
There's a fairly good chance I could show up Q. then, in my Y2K RV.

It also looks like I will be driving through Q. tomorrow.

-Don- Gila Bend, AZ
We will be staying at McDowell Mountain Regional Park near Phoenix from the end of Dec to the second week in Feb, which is a couple hours drive to Quartzsite. Sound like we should take a trip over to the RV event or "Q". Would be fun to meet up with forum members.

Could someone give me an overview of the basic idea of what goes on at Quartzsite for a new RVer like me?
Could someone give me an overview of the basic idea of what goes on at Quartzsite for a new RVer like me?
It's been many years since I (Tom also, back then) have been there, but one thing I remember is the gigantic flee market, lots of RV vendors and social stuff with other forum members. All of us forum members had a section of their own.

-Don- Reno, NV
That pretty much covers it.

Huge tent full of vendors of all types of RV and other products.

Giant flea market that goes on for a mile.

Lots of RVs for sale by dealers.

Happy hour each night.

Pot luck dinner towards the end.

Then we all celibrate my birthday with dancing girls and free helicopter rides.

Well I might have been embellishing the story a little at the end.
Sounds like a good time. We will probably drop by on the 27th to check things out and then make the potluck. This might have already been answered but where is the potluck being held? Location?

Is this boondocking, no hook-ups, for those staying in the area?
Is the flea market limited to RV stuff?
Honestly, the number of vendors has decreased since Quartzsite raised it's sales tax several years ago. Hard to provide bargains when you have to pay nearly 10% to the town and state.

Although with the Yuma Swap Meet (the one at the old dog track) shutting down it will be interesting to see if any of their vendors make their way north this year. The adjacent Border Patrol station bought their land to expand their operations.
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