10 Reasons NOT to own an RV...

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Gary RV_Wizard

Site Team
Feb 2, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
We see these articles from time to time, often by a journalist with little practical knowledge of RV life. This one, I think, paints a fairly accurate picture of the downsides. Maybe should be required reading for RV wanna-be's.

Before all of you get your knickers in a twist, I freely admit the article makes no attempt at the plus side.  The RVIA, RV manufacturers and dealers all do plenty of that already.

That's quite a sour author.
Some of his points may be good information for a prospective RV'er, but issues like dumping your tanks, and traffic?
Road traffic will be the same in a 40' motorhome or a Ford Fiesta.
Thanks for sharing. Interesting read.
I think of it as "realistic" rather than "sour", but agree it is a gloomy view.  That's the whole point of the article - owning an RV isn't all milk & honey.  And this view is no more one-sided than the idyllic scenes in the RVIA ads, with blissful families camped on a secluded lakeshore.
Thank goodness for our fabulous media. How could we ever survive without their keen insight into the choices we should make, how we should spend our money and live our lives.

HaHa ,I stumbled onto this as I was getting ready to cough up more storage fees. I don't think it's fake news, it's not news of any sort, we all knew all this already and discount it as a minor inconvenience in our life's choice.
I would say that an appropriate title for this article should be "Ten things to be aware of if you buy an RV," but a title like that would not garner as much attention.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
So this is just a pack of lies? Fake news?
No, just like you, Gary, I think it is fairly accurate, though the tone of the article is slanted to attempt to dissuade people from RVing. As you said in your initial post, "the article makes no attempt at the plus side." Of course most of us think of these items as minor annoyances that allow us to do the thing we like, but it's mostly a matter of viewpoint.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
So this is just a pack of lies? Fake news?
What it is Gary, is a clear bias against RVing, without objectivity or an opposing perspective - things we see in our media every day. For whatever reasons, the author is simply imposing his personal opinions on owning an RV upon others. Who knows what his true motives are, or if he's even ever been inside an RV. Many of the points he tries to make are nothing more than his opinions on subjective issues.

It's easy write articles like this - to impose upon others your personal biases on matters, which you may, or may not have any personal experience. Fake news... lies...? I never said that. It's just more shoddy, biased journalism that we see all the time. Some just don't recognize it.

It's not an "article" - it and the companion "Hidden cost of RV ownership" and "Myth of Glamping" stories there are click bait for the "book your hotel room now" link at he bottom.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
I think the piece works as a "thought piece" for someone looking into RV'ing when mixed in with other material that paints a broader more positive picture.

He might be trying to save the planet.

Our costs really aren't that bad but always praying that I won't have any major repairs. If so it is just a part of the cost of RV'n. Many of the things mention are avoidable or managable if you do a little planning. I compare our costs with staying at motels and eating out more at restaurants and we average about $20 to $30 less per day when on the road.

I'll agree with Gary B. it's an article to read in order to consider some of the downfalls, but also agree with Kevin, there should have been a pro article to balance things out a bit. Perhaps one of us could provide that. Best to all!
Not everyone can afford the RV lifestyle.  Unfortunately some don't realize that until after the fact.  Just like everything else, forewarned is forearmed. 
I like the idea of persuading people not to get into rving.  It gives me more space when traveling and camping.
I think that the four highlighted suggestions in the article for hotels and the bottom page "Book Your Room Now" link pretty well show the real purpose of the article.
RVGuide must be hurting for ad revenue to publish that blatantly obvious hotel ad.

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