2012 RVForum QUARTZSITE RALLY - Info & Sign up

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Wendy, everything is cheaper but you need to know where to look.  If you come across a Trader Joe's, check them out.  You'll find a limited selection of high quality products at reasonable prices.  Also, Vallarta markets have great prices with a good selection.  Enjoy your stay in CA. 


Trader Joe's I know - cheap wine and those awesome peppermint Oreo-type cookies, YUM. Will see if there's a Vallerta's anywhere around here.

BTW, forget produce prices, each and every sunset since we got here has been spectacular.


Please remove Sheila and I from the list of attendees. We will stop by to visit on a "day" trip.


Wendy said:
Trader Joe's I know - cheap wine and those awesome peppermint Oreo-type cookies, YUM. Will see if there's a Vallerta's anywhere around here.

BTW, forget produce prices, each and every sunset since we got here has been spectacular.


Closest one to you is on Lincoln Ave. in Anaheim.
Thanks  Jim. We're making a run to Whittier this week for lunch at Rubi's and that might work on the way home. If not, there's a couple of Trader Joe's close by.

Bolsa Chica State Beach
Another real good store for fancy food is A.J's in AZ. It's the upscale Basha's. Fresh & Easy is also good. They might be elsewhere too. Calif. probably has double the fancy places that we have in AZ. Seems most of our food comes from there.
We arrived at QZ yesterday, staying in the short term visitor area SE of X19. Marlene is putting up a display for her dog cards with the Too Crazy Ladies. The town is really empty so far, not too many people have come yet, but it is early.

Thursday we head up to Indio and will be there thru the FMCA rally and then back to QZ for the rally.
Glad we did not get on the list, we will not be there this time. The 4 letter word has struck again.
Bill & Raymonda Dane will try to pull in about the 19th.  Look forward to caching that area.
We will be heading to the rally at Quartzsite on the 19th or 20th! This will be our first time at the rally and our second at Quartzsite. Been following you all for two years now and it is time to meet you for Heaven's sake. Sue Klinefelter and brother Bob Konradi from Scootsdale and Durango.
Ellen and Michael Schwarz are going to have to cancel. We put our house on the market on Monday, fully expecting it to take months to sell. We got an offer yesterday, countered last night which was accepted today. We will have to stay in the house until the closing in the middle of February. I was looking forward to it. Maybe next year.
Well, it's too bad we won't get to meet you - but hot dog!  It's wonderful that you sold your home so quickly in this market.  Now you have your work cut out for you!  Glad for you that it sold so fast.

Arrived in Qz yesterday afternoon (Tues/10th) and am parked in the Scaddan Wash 14 day area for now. Will move to the rally site in a week or so as other members begin to arrive. Nice drive down from NCal - not too much fog in the valley or wind along I40 between Barstow and Needles.

Shows are up and running along Keuhn and Main Event area on main street. Hard to tell whether the crowds are down as I can't recall being here this early before. However, there was no wait at the Pit Stop whereas on previous visits they were fairly backed up.

The ATTENDEE LIST is up to date from what I read here and what has been PM'ed to me - with 38 signed up so far and including those that have dropped off or been added in the past few days. Please let me know if you find any discrepancies. If you weren't sure of your arrival date when you posted and do know now, please let me know. That date is not critical, but we do worry about you if your name is on the list and we don't see your rig coming down the long dusty road to the site.

BTW, if coming down CA95 between Needles and Blythe (or Vidal Junction, then Parker), I ran into quite a delay due to resurfacing of the roadway. There was an 11 mile, one lane at a time with the flag persons 11 miles apart, delay over the summit of the mini-mountain just South of Needles. If may be completed by the time you travel, but OTOH it may not so checking ahead would be wise.

After spending these days last year with MRI's, CT scan's and an operation -- it is "very" nice being back in the AZ desert . . .  :)

Looking forward to your arrivals!!
Bob,, I got the word about the construction today from a friend that has arrived at another site,, I am hoping that the area will be more open this Sunday when I come thru. Will be arriving Sun mid day.>>>Dan
Hi Bob -

I'll be leaving the Western Railway Museum in Fairfield CA tomorrow - should be in the Quartzsite area the first part of next week.  I'm planning to attend the Bluegrass Festival next weekend so I don't know if I'll get a LTVA pass or just stay in the 14 day area until the festival starts.

Bob Buchanan said:
Arrived in Qz yesterday afternoon (Tues/10th) and am parked in the Scaddan Wash 14 day area for now. Will move to the rally site in a week or so as other members begin to arrive. Nice drive down from NCal - not too much fog in the valley or wind along I40 between Barstow and Needles.

Shows are up and running along Keuhn and Main Event area on main street. Hard to tell whether the crowds are down as I can't recall being here this early before. However, there was no wait at the Pit Stop whereas on previous visits they were fairly backed up.

The ATTENDEE LIST is up to date from what I read here and what has been PM'ed to me - with 38 signed up so far and including those that have dropped off or been added in the past few days. Please let me know if you find any discrepancies. If you weren't sure of your arrival date when you posted and do know now, please let me know. That date is not critical, but we do worry about you if your name is on the list and we don't see your rig coming down the long dusty road to the site.

BTW, if coming down CA95 between Needles and Blythe (or Vidal Junction, then Parker), I ran into quite a delay due to resurfacing of the roadway. There was an 11 mile, one lane at a time with the flag persons 11 miles apart, delay over the summit of the mini-mountain just South of Needles. If may be completed by the time you travel, but OTOH it may not so checking ahead would be wise.

After spending these days last year with MRI's, CT scan's and an operation -- it is "very" nice being back in the AZ desert . . .  :)

Looking forward to your arrivals!!

due to medical problems cheryl and i will not be in qz this year.
dan l
We are in the same area as you, would like to meet you if you are out and about.  We are parked abouy 150 yards due south of the host awning.  Coach is a CC Allure, green ,SD license.  Toad is a green CRV.

Bill & Raymonda Dane
Bob, please take our name off the attending list.  We have a front air bag that won't inflate, so we won't be moving until we are able to get that fixed. We were happy that we were able to see a few folks at the FMCA rally this week.
Robert & Carol Penn
Contrary to our earlier plans, unfortunetly, Duane and Angie Catterall are no longer able to attend,  May be next year
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