55+ parks ??

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Jan 27, 2012
Edinboro Pa
Hello everyone, My wife and I are in a unique situation and can retire in approximately a year. We are definitely going to snowbird.  The problem I am seeing is a lot of parks are 55+ and my wife and I will be 50.  If you call the 55+ parks are they willing to overlook five years? 
Sometimes under 55s can stay in 55+ parks. It may have a lot to do with how badly they need the business. Sure would not hurt to call.
Just dont bring any little twerps with you and you will do just fine, in these 55+ parks,
I'm 54 and have used 55+ parks a couple of times during our winter trips. Nobody has ever asked if I was old enough! But....... I do get offered the senior discount at casino's, movie theaters and race tracks. So it may or may not be an issue. Just be prepared that the majority of the people in those parks aren't 55 or 56 you will be the youngest by far.

Enjoy retirement and try the 55+ parks every now and again as you travel. I don't know why I waited to 53 to pull the pin myself, retirement is great.

We are both over 55, but avoid those parks.  It's not that we are snobs, we just like being around families.  Some people are just nuts, you know:)

If you are anywhere near 55 and have no kids with you, I seriously doubt if anybody will ask your actual age.  But I wouldn't tout being under 55 to the neighbors after I arrived either, cause somebody will feel obliged to "turn you in".
Many parks are 55+ because that's the only legal way to keep out families with children.  If a park caters to families there's additional requirements they have to meet like play space, etc.  The federal equal housing laws have a specific exemption for senior communities.

But even there the owners have wiggle room - the park tenants don't have to be 100% over 55, they're allowed to have something like 10-15% younger people in the park without running afoul of the senior exemption.

Before I turned 55 I stayed in several 55+ parks, and even owned a mobilehome in one when I was in my 30s (I bought the mobilehome before the park converted to 55+) and never had a problem.
You will have no problem in south Texas. Most parks have had a downward trend in occupancy. Along as your money is green and no kids.
My wife and  I retired two years ago when I was 53 and were never questioned. Just get ready to be the youngest couple in the park. Even
though I get along fine with all ages, there is a bit of a generation gap that leaves me shaking my head sometimes. Be friendly and out going and you will find your niche. Review parks so they match your interests. I could give you some references to cut down on a search if you want to send a private message.
Check out the Escapee Co-parks.  Most have a pretty long waiting list.  We applied at Chimicum, WA a year ago.  The wait list was about 6 years.  For you, that might work out pretty well.  Good luck and congratulations on reaching a milestone at a relatively young age. 
this may be an odd question but my husband is 57 and i am 35 and I have a teenage son. if we were to go to one of these 55+ parks, would we be allowed to stay or do they prefer couples closer to 55 +?  sorry if that is a stupid question, but i am asking in seriousness really.  we will be purchasing a 5th wheel in  about January and are trying to get an idea of campgrounds and RV parks in or around east TN or surrounding states.  thank you.  :)
Rules will vary, so you  would have to ask for specifics at each such place.  However, I would think that a teenager in residence would rule out most "senior" places. Some will accommodate one of a couple being under 55 (or whatever age limit they have set), but generally they are trying to avoid having youngsters around, even visiting grand kids in some places.
Thank you. I understand that different parks have different rules. My son is a special needs and is not one to go around being loud and disruptive. He actually is more comfortable around older folks than those his age...LOL!  ;)
Unfortunately, the laws of our land no longer allow a park to say your special needs kid is ok but someone else's kid is not, so they are forced to an all or nothing approach if they want to limit the younger but more boisterous crowd.
We have a home in a 55+ community in Florida and our covenants reads that  the majority have to have at least one member of the household 55 or older. No children under 18 can live there for more than 30 days.
I think RV parks with 55+ rules simply are telling us their park and amenities are designed for older folks.
Sheila1947 said:
We are both over 55, but avoid those parks.  It's not that we are snobs, we just like being around families.  Some people are just nuts, you know:)


Sheila, that made me laugh out loud...that was funny.

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