5th wheel towing

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Jul 26, 2016
An unusual set of circumstances is prompting me to look at an RV as a place to live for several months, maybe up to a year. As I look at the used market (can't afford new) I've found some good 5th wheel options, which begs this question: is it possible to rent a truck for hauling the RV? Eventually owning a truck for this purpose makes sense, but I'd really rather not fork out money right now for a vehicle that I will only need, initially, to move the RV to a place where it will be parked.

Thanks for your help, and any advice you might have if you have faced a similar situation.
It's doubtful you will be able to rent a truck set up to pull a fifth wheel, and from what I understand from reading here, rental places won't allow towing with their vehicles. Maybe find a place that moves RV's or even a friend with a fifth wheel can move it for you.
If you're buying from a dealer and it's not too far from the campground, they may move it for you. Or call a mobile RV type repair guy and see if he'll move it for a few bucks. What part of the country will you be in?
The worst part of hiring a professional mover is the sticker shock. I called a guy in my area that advertises trailer moving and he charges $350 to hook up, then a per mile fee. I can't remember the per mile fee though, I lost interest at the $350 hook up charge.
Few, if any, rental agencies have trucks with 5W hitches, trailer brake controllers, and the capability to tow large rigs.

RV Dealers usually have people available that move or deliver rigs, often subcontractors. Most will deliver a rig to your site, either free or a modest charge (if the distance is reasonable).

There are also professional movers who do that sort of thing - just Google 'RV transport'.  Professional transport may seem expensive, but it's a whole bunch cheaper than buying/owning a big truck to use just once in awhile.
Thanks, everybody. I found a good value on a used 5th-wheel, and the dealer will deliver and set up the trailer. I think by the time it's ready to be moved we'll be taking the plunge to purchase a truck. I'm in Connecticut (since someone asked).

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