81 fleetwood southwind running hot

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Mar 30, 2010
I have a 81 27 foot southwind. Thats ran hot every since Ive had it. I can drive it on cold days and it runs fine. I went from Idaho to phoenix and it ran hot all the way down there. Once in phoenix you could hear it boiling. So I put new head gaskets and had the heads redone and a new water pump. Same problem. Ive never had water in the oil or any thing that bad. Does any one out there have this motor home, any one with this problem, I'm stumped the motor has 55,600 miles on it. I also put a six blade fan on it and a electric fan to push the air thru the radiator. Same problem.
Mine would be fine and then start running hot. The radiator hoses was collapsing and not flowing the water as it should. If you have a heat gun check the temp in the radiator top and then bottom. If you have a big difference around forty degrees your rad is plugged up.
  Assuming its a P-30 454....it should have had a 6 blade fan from the factory with a clutch.
The fan clutch should engage when it gets hot, if not either the clutch is bad or the rad is plugged and unable to heat the clutch.
  Jiggs had a good idea with the infrared heat sensor.
  If you've never heard the roar of the fan when the clutch engages thats the first place I'd look.
  Did you ever try to turn the heater on when it gets hot?
  Upper and lower rad hoses should have a spring inside to prevent collapsing.
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