A tour of the International Space Station

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
If you've ever wondered what the ISS looks like on the inside, here's a 25 minute tour.  Warning, it's a 150MB video.
Ned, that was it.  Awesome!  I had no idea it was that big.  I'd love to visit, but 6 months up there is a little much for me.  I watch PBS and other types of media, never have I seen such a great tour of the space station. 

Thank you so much for posting that link.  I thoroughly enjoyed that video.
I was impressed with the young lady's disposition.....
the lack of fear, the ability to convey a sense of fun, the nonchalance presentation of the living quarters.  Going home within hours may have contributed. I know it would of been my High point of trip. Hell..., I could never have gone. Too scared I am.....
These are SPECIAL people. I take my hat off to them!

That was Suni Williams, the commander of expedition 33.  She has a very impressive bio, you can read it here.
In the Sixty's, I worked in a Lab that was building the first Commodes for use in space. At one point in time the thinking was to have the seats Molded to the shape of each "Astronaut". The seat and system was estimated to be costing One million each, with interchangeable seats.

The system I seen in movie sure was a lot simpler.
Thanks Ned.....
Tom said:
He explained that there are 3 times when they can't get out of the seat - takeoff, landing, and IIRC re-entry. What do they do when they gotta go? Click - a photo of himself wearing a huge diaper.

Maybe that's why that Astronaut Lady, Lisa Nowak was wearing that diaper when she went for a drive from  Houston to Orlando, Florida, on February 4?5, 2007.  And I thought she got that from a Saturday Night Live skit.
And I thought she got that from a Saturday Night Live skit.

LOL, no skit, it was 'company wear', and she knew she wouldn't need to waste time on a pit stop if she wore it.

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