Aaxatech P2 for RV projector

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New member
Oct 21, 2009
Hey everybody,

I have a van conversion where I've been wanting to put in a different entertainment system than the ceiling mounted DVD player w/ monitor.  I think these new pico projectors that are out would be my best solution.  They're small enough so they can be easily mounted anywhere.  I've asked and been told they don't have the "keystone" feature so I'd have to mount it exactly where I want it projected though, can't be at an angle.  The only thing I can't find out for sure is if the picture quality is going to be good enough.  I don't think I need anything huge like 60", shoot I'm already stepping up from 7"....24" would be dandy.  So does anyone here have one of these?  http://www.aaxatech.com/products/p2_pico_projector.htm .  Like to know what yall think, thanks!
What would you project the image onto? I've seen projectors used for secondary TVs in some large coaches, and the roll-up screens moved with the natural convection in the coach. The result was an awful wavy picture.
The issue with these is Lumens...or - how much light it projects. For the most part, this category of projector requires almost total darkness to have a reasonable quality picture.

Do some searches for reviews, and I think you'll find this to be true of all of these LED-based micro projectors.
Thanks for the replies guys, I've ponied up for one and I'll post some pictures in another thread.
I have to agree with Mark and would be real hesitant to buy one for an RV. Hard to get dark and for passengers I'd imagine impossible to watch on the road. It has 33 lumens. For work I demand nothing less than 2000 and it's not extreme.

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