AGM batts

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2016
Pros and cons of AGM's for chassis batts?  I live in PA and when I had a class C with one chassis and one house battery I took them out for the winter.  Now with two chassis and 3 house and a mess of wires connecting them I would prefer a battery that could stand the cold weather and go some time between starts.
Cons.. COST
Pro's.. Compared to Maintenance Free: None at all for the chassis battery

Pro's for other uses: Install in any position (No this side up) and low gassing meaning you can put them INSIDE places you normally would not.
One other pro is that you can somewhat economically order them online since they don't count as hazmat for surface shipping.  I bought one last summer during a sale on Amazon for $150 (AC Delco Professional AGM with free shipping), vs $110 for house brand traditional starting battery at the local auto parts places. 
My Miata REQUIRES an AGM because the battery is in the trunk.  I had a fresh battery that lasted 86 months on a 72 month warranty.  I had 2 stale batteries from the Miata dealer that only lasted a year or two.  I would suggest a trickle charger or similar for long storage, though - for any battery.
I like Odyssey agm batteries. They crank faster for start up and recharge quicker.
From their website
The five second cranking power of ODYSSEY batteries is double to triple that of equally
sized conventional batteries, even when the temperature is as low as -40?F (-40?C). Also,
with simple constant voltage charging (alternator or independent charger), there is no
limitation on the inrush current, so the user is assured of fast charge recovery
Thanks all - Thats the way I am going to go then!  A little extra cost up front will save me long term it sounds like....

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