Air Suspension

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
Do all Class A Diesel Pushers have air ride suspension? Air Brakes? Jake Brake?

If some do and some don't, then how can I tell if they do or don't?

What are the mid to better quality (structure and mechanical) MH's?

What is best, Fiberglass or rubber roof?


These are some hard to answer questions.  Most diesel pushers will have air ride and air brakes.  SOME pushers (I think on certain Freightliner chassis) might NOT have air bags on the front.  Easiest way is to look.  Roofing materials in the order of best to worst (just IMHO) are aluminum, fiberglass, TPM then rubber).

Better to mid-quality?  There are too many to mention.  It's all about floorplan, floorplan, floorplan.

Again, opinions are like, know :eek:
Not all class A pushers will have all those items. Most probably will have similar items. "Jake brake" is a common term for some type of engine braking capacity. The original "jacobs brake" were solenoids that opened engine valves independantly of the camshaft timing in order to help slow the heavy truck. More common today are exhaust brakes which trap the exhaust in the engine instead to accomplish the same thing. Modern exhaust brakes don't have the same rat-a-tat-tat that the jake brakes of old had.

Air ride suspension can be seen by looking in the wheel well for a typically black, rubber cylinder aobut 10-12 inches in diameter. (some are smaller depending on the weight of the rig) Depending on the chassis manufacturer they will have one or two per wheel. Non air ride will have either leaf or coil springs visible in the wheel well.

Air brakes are more difficult to describe, but if you step on the brake pedal (with air in the tanks) when you release the pedal you will hear the exhaust of air underneath the rig.

Price will tell you the mid to upper end MH's, assuming you are comparing similar length and model year.

All things being equal you will find fiberglass roofs to be longer lasting and lower maintenance.


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