airstream land yacht

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Feb 26, 2006
Hi any one know anything about the airstream land yacht 1995 RV any info would be good thank you
gaz UK
What type of information are you looking for?? Features, technical specs, availability, re-sale value? ???
Hi just if any one knows if their is any bad points with them, i like the layout and i know its an old rv but if their was any info like mpg are they a well made rv its all new to me i have only had UK motorhomes and they are just like a std van ford or bedford the US rvs are like our busses ;D thanks

Airstream made their name with trailers (caravans) and they were the Rolls Royce of trailers. I haven't met anyone who owns an Airstream motorhome, but I have no reason to doubt that they'd have the same quality that their trailers have/had.
OK thanks it was just that i have not seen one over here that's good to hear the make is well known in the US ..
Gaz... :)
You don't see very many of them around, so I guess they never became popular.  Don't know if it was lack of qulaity, too high a price or just that the numerous other manufacturers did a better job of marketing their products.  Maybe it was just becasue Airstream was in a downturn phase when motorhome sales boomed and they just never caught up.

I've never talked to an Airstream motorhome owner myself but I've never heard/seen a bad report anywhere either.

There are several Airstream owner groups online and one of them features motorhomes as well as trailers. You might check there.
Tom said:

Airstream made their name with trailers (caravans) and they were the Rolls Royce of trailers. I haven't met anyone who owns an Airstream motorhome, but I have no reason to doubt that they'd have the same quality that their trailers have/had.


Depends on when built. Thor has owned Airstream for a good number of years now. Not currently on our recommended list.
I owned an Airstream in 1975 when the company was being bought and sold by one interest then another. ?There were consolidations in manufacturing, and attempts at getting into the motorhome business. ?The quality of Airstreams improved during the 90's but in recent years the only similarity between the new trailers and the older models is the silver color.

A the Tampa RV show, last year and the year before I noticed the interiors were made using cheap Luann and included slide outs that were poorly designed.

I have seen Airstreams constructed in the 90's and they seem to be well made. ?One of my travel friends used one for fulltiming for several years.

The down side is the absence of storage space, which makes fulltiming very difficult. ?My friend towed his Airstream with a Suburban, which he filled to capacity with supplies, tools etc to compensate for the missing storage space in the Airstream.

I didn't realize that Airstream was sold to Thor. Would that have been prior to or after 1995 (the year of the product that Gaz is looking at)? Sad to hear that they're no longer considered to be high quality products.
Tom said:
I didn't realize that Airstream was sold to Thor. Would that have been prior to or after 1995 (the year of the product that Gaz is looking at)? Sad to hear that they're no longer considered to be high quality products.


Can't say what year, I do know it was before 1997 or 1998, but not how many years before.

What is disappointing about Airstream is that the freshest looking and most interesting interior of any motor home that Marlene and I saw at FMCA-Indio last month was an Airstream Land Yacht A series. Came very close to a Newell feel with the cabinets, hardware, trim, etc. But as soon as I started looking underneath, you could see the Thor heritage. The basement floor was only about 1-1/2 feet below the frame beam, very limited storage. The engine was a Cummins ISL 400hp engine but coupled with a rear radiator. The radiator took up the entire back of the coach, you couldn't see into the engine area. I asked a salesman how do you check the oil and coolant? He even crawled under the coach and couldn't figure it out.
As the 2nd owner of a 2003 Airstream 22AS TT, and having shopped the other brands like Keystone, Jayco etc, there is no comparison in quality between the AS and the others.  This is our 1st RV and we bit the bullet on $$$'s for the difference in quality. I don't have a clue on the AS Motorhomes.  I'd agree that going to the Airstream Form suggested above could yield some very valuable information. 

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