American Idol update

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Jan 13, 2005
Was last night a big surprise?

Last night's results confirm my theory that the results are decided largely by the influence of the judges, coupled with the"teeny bopper" factor.

Having Jessica Sanchez in the "sing for your life" slot was unbelievable. Then the judges interruptted her "last performance", which was out of this world.
Since the judges had sung Jessica's praises all along, I don't think the results were judge-influenced. But I was surprised by all of the bottom 3. Maybe folks assumed she was safe and voted for the singers they thought were more in need of rescue votes. Any way, despite what the judges say, it's NOT a singing competition, it's a popularity contest.

Payson AZ
The same thing can be said about Dancing with the Stars. The bottom two this week had never been there before. The one that went was going to be eliminated soon but the whole show is a popularity contest. Still, some great dancing from most.
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