Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow upgrade problems

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
This morning Verizon upgraded my Galaxy S5 OS to Marshmallow 6.0.1. After the install completed, I discovered that all of my apps that I had moved to the SD card external storage had been uninstalled. When the phone first restarted after the update finished installing, the apps' icons had been replaced with an image of an SD card and the app name. When I touched the new icon for Facebook, I got a message saying that the app needed to be installed and I was redirected to the Google Play Store.  I restarted the phone and all of the new icons disappeared, so I don't even have the SD card image anymore to let me know which apps need to be reinstalled.

While I was typing this message I got a notification from FB of a new post on my page, so I guess that FB is still installed even though the icon has disappeared. I just looked in the Application Manager and FB is showing up, so now all I have to do is figure out which apps' icons have gone missing and how to get them back.

Thanks, Google. I didn't need this to deal with this morning.  :mad:
As far as I know, it came from Verizon. I had a notification on my phone this morning that a system update was ready to be installed, and the message looked like all previous notifications of system updates. The installation process looked like all previous updates, and in the About Phone area of Settings, my Android version is 6.0.1.

I can't be of much help to you, but I'll mention that I got the same update on my S5 this morning but with no issues that I can see.  However, I never moved apps to the SD card, so my situation is somewhat different than yours.

Have you tried going to the Play Store and looking at My Apps and Games/All - you should at least be able to see what Google Play thinks you have and can use it as a list to reinstall/refresh.

Good luck!
I'm going to say Topic Solved for this thread.  I verified thru Application Manager that most, if not all, of my "missing" apps are still installed on my phone and they are still in external storage (on the SD card). I eventually located the icons all jumbled together on the last two Apps pages. I don't know why the Android update scrambled things up like it did, but at least it was easy to fix.

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