Another winterisation question.Specific to a Four winds Hurricane.

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2009
Near Montr?al, Qu?bec
This is my first time. I read all the steps to be carried out. Cleaned and drained the holding tanks. emptied the water heater. Just about ready to blow some air into the water lines to drain the water completely. It is required to open a drain at the lowest part of the system. This is also mentioned in the owners manual but...I cannot find its location. A fellow RV,er has a large camping trailer and is well versed in how to winterize. We looked all over the undercariage, near the storage units. Checked inside near the water heater and water lines but we just cannot find the low drain point to get the last bit of trapped water before putting in the anti-freeze.
Does anyone out there own a Four winds A model coach and could tell me where it is hidden. I certainly do not want to screw this up and end up with frozen pipes.
Any input would be appreciated.
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