Anyone here in Rockport, Texas?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Cliff, we really like Rockport.  We have been going there for vacations since the early 70s (back when the fishing was really good). It's grown a bit since then, but is still a small town and a great place to hang out.
We are over on South Padre Island at Destination SPI which is nice enough....but we are interested in Rockport....can you tell us more about a good place to visit there?  We are interested in a nice park, quiet, with some grass and shade trees...sites not too close together...all comments are greatly appreciated!!!
caltex said:
Cliff, we really like Rockport.  We have been going there for vacations since the early 70s (back when the fishing was really good). It's grown a bit since then, but is still a small town and a great place to hang out.

We love it here! Are you here now?
capecodder said:
We are over on South Padre Island at Destination SPI which is nice enough....but we are interested in Rockport....can you tell us more about a good place to visit there?  We are interested in a nice park, quiet, with some grass and shade trees...sites not too close together...all comments are greatly appreciated!!!

Theres a lot of great parks here...We are at Western Horizons....a membership park......Come on up....could arrange a few free nights here while you look around.
Barb said:
Frank and I will be arriving at the WHR park in Rocport on Sunday the 10th.  We will be there for a couple of day.  We're looking forward to exploring the area.


Come over to Alice Faye's Friday or Sat from 7-9pm my wife and I will be there!

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