Are N.P. Campgrounds Open During Govt. Shutdown?

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Great Horned Owl

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2012
Lake County, Illinois
Does anybody know if the National Park campgrounds are open during the government shutdown? I am specifically interested in Everglades National Park and Big cypress National Preserve.

I know that they stayed open during the shutdown last January, but during an October shutdown a few years ago, we had to vacate the campground at Painted Rocks National Lake Shore.

From the National Park Service shutdown contingency plan:

The NPSwill cease providing services for NPS-operated campgrounds, including maintenance, janitorial, bathrooms, showers, check-in/check-out and reservations. Visitors in campgrounds will not be asked to leave but should be advised that no services will be available.  In addition, visitors holding campground reservations for a later date will be advised that the NPS is not operating campgrounds, including providing check-in/check-out services during a shutdown.  There is no guarantee their reserved campsite will be ready and available should they arrive during a government shutdown.

And for completeness, from the National Forest Service contingency plan (Enclosure A):

Forest Service Operated Campgrounds and Other Developed Recreation Sites that Require Forest Service Maintenance: They will remain open, as determined necessary by the local line officer, utilizing FLREA funding.  This includes keeping recreation sites in safe operating condition, restroom facilities serviced, and identifying or repairing unsafe facility conditions (i.e., campgrounds, boat launches, and picnic areas).
Thanks fo the effort. I had already seen that, ut it raisws almost as many questions as it answers. I'm trying to decide if I should cancel my plans to head south for the rest of the winter.


I'm not canceling my plans, but I 'm also checking on alternative arrangements if needed. I fully expect this nonsense will be resolved in a relatively short time now that the White House has indicated they'll negotiate more realistic numbers.
NY_Dutch, without getting political here, this is not about so called realistic numbers when you consider the initial asking amount was a line item that amounted to less than 0.1% of the total budget.
I do not knwo about this shut down but last Shut down I had a pending reservation they notified me they were closed and offered a refund... HOwever the Government went back in business before the Reservation so I was not affected save for the E-mail.
Isaac-1 said:
NY_Dutch, without getting political here, this is not about so called realistic numbers when you consider the initial asking amount was a line item that amounted to less than 0.1% of the total budget.

It was the stated purpose that was unrealistic related to the requested amount, but I won't go into that here either.
I think it all depends on how vindictive the management of a facility wants to be.

We have a dirt bike riding area that's on Forest Service land about 6 miles from us that I pass regularly.  There is nothing there except a graded parking area, a fence with openings beyond the parking area only big enough for two wheel vehicles. That is to keep the four wheelers out of the dirt bike riding area. That's it. Nothing else. No personnel involved, no fee to pay. Yet I noticed yesterday when I drove by they had block the entrance to the parking lot. No Forest Service funds need to be spent on that area until the parking lot needs graded again.
Be prepared for overflowing trash cans and only pit toilets available. A Death Valley concessionaire said that in only 3 days the trash dumpsters were overflowing at all popular viewpoints. Obviously people aren?t respecting the notices that request them to take their trash with them. And the reason certain spots might be roped off is because of the potential for resource destruction. A very small percentage of visitors are assholes, but they can certainly do a lot of damage very quickly.
I did see where the state of Arizona will pay to keep Grand Canyon visitor sites open. Evidently during the last shutdown which was short they paid $65,000 to keep it open.
NY_Dutch said:
It was the stated purpose that was unrealistic related to the requested amount, but I won't go into that here either.
Somehow I don't think that border security as a stated purpose is unrealistic.  It  is a political game considering that the same people who oppose it voted to approve it just a few years ago.  Politics in this country is a dirty business.
Bill N said:
Somehow I don't think that border security as a stated purpose is unrealistic.  It  is a political game considering that the same people who oppose it voted to approve it just a few years ago.  Politics in this country is a dirty business.

It's the unworkable "wall" or "slats" that we're not supposed to be paying for that's the sticking point.
I know the Everglades National park campgrounds of Flamingo and Long Pine are open and the gate is open round the clock, but unattended. The main southern visitor center is closed.
My main concern would be safety from crime.
I won't be parking my vehicle at any of the hiking trails or canoe lunches until the rangers are back on duty.

Jack L
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