Are there trade shows that include selling non-RV products to RV folks?

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Freedom First

Well-known member
May 28, 2010
Hi, all.  I've owned my fifth wheel for 2 1/2 years now and still stuck in a traditional residence, but I'm doing my best to get on the road full-time.  Part of my motivation is that I've created a unique product which is getting positive results on Amazon.  I would like to market on the road to increase exposure to my product. 

I think it would do well at trade shows or fairs attended by the RV demographic.  I've looked online and can't find anything except RV trade shows that feature RV products exclusively.  My product was created to help women with dexterity problems, and I'm only mentioning that because maybe it will help to narrow the field of possibilities. 

All suggestions and advice are appreciated :)

There are countless trade shows and selling events around the country attended by RVers. You might try looking up web sites for fairgrounds in the areas you'll be traveling.
Thanks, Tom.  I'll add that to my list of things to check out.  I prefer indoor trade shows where mostly adults are walking around.  Fairgrounds can be hectic.

I was hoping someone might have a link to a site that has links to upcoming trade shows.  A member of another forum sent me this one,, but it's somewhat limited in scope.
I've attended lots of RV least 30.  I don't think I've ever seen one in the last 10 years that had more RV stuff compared to non-RV stuff.

It's more like going to the county fair these days.

Have you ever done a trade show where you are actually selling a product?  It's a tough gig.
Arch, thanks for the encouraging response about non-RV stuff.  Now I just have to figure out where they are, and which ones will give me the best chance for success.

Yes, I've done trade shows for other products, and they can be physically taxing if you have to do a lot of sales talk.  Fortunately, my current product is super easy to demonstrate and I don't have to do much explaining.  It kind of sells itself when people see how it works.  I prefer a one-day or two-day show.  Three days is too much when you're flying solo.

It sounds like you've done trade shows yourself.  Any tips for the best locale in terms of the most attendees? 
Sorry, I can't help you with the question.  However, I have a wife with dexterity problems and would be interested in the product.  What is it?  Do you have a website?
We attend many  FMCA rallies.  You  might  check their website for calendar of activities and contact information.  I think they have hefty  fees for vendors and  usually last 3  days.  I shop for all kinds of  non RV stuff at those events.

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