ATWOOD GC10A-4E 94018 Water heater propane not lighting

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Hendersonville, TN
It is getting gas I can smell it . It is clicking but I didn't see spark to light it My gut tells me to replace the spark element not sure what it is called?
Attached is the picture.


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I would start out by removing the burner tube and make sure that spiders or any other bug didn't make a nest in there. If there's a nest, it would disrupt the flow of gas and the heater will not light.

While you have the tube out, check the gap of the igniter. Someone can chime in with that dimension.

Then unplug all the plugs at the circuit board and clean all the contacts. A pencil eraser works good for that.  The contacts which can't be cleaned, just plug/unplug it several times to clean the contacts.
CJAG said:
Will do Gary thanks. There were mud wasp nests in there and a few webs.

Did I change my name?  :eek: ::) :-[ :-\ ;D ;D ;D ;D

You've got me confused with the smart one. When Gary talks, everyone listens.
No heading to storage today to work on it. I will post results. I bet you are correct based on how dirty it was in there.
Fixed...thank you. I took it apart cleaned everything, unplugged the switches and plugged em in again and boom fired right up.
Thanks for the advice.

CJAG said:
Fixed...thank you. I took it apart cleaned everything, unplugged the switches and plugged em in again and boom fired right up.
Thanks for the advice.

Love those fixes. Thanks for getting back to us.
How difficult is it to remove the burner tube in the model that is pictured?  I assume the pieces in front of the tube need to be removed?  I have a similar model and I would like to know how to do this.  I tried searching on youtube but didn't find one.  Thanks in advance.
It was easy. Take a picture of it before you start. Its just a few screws and then the tube pulls out. Also I marked my tube with a sharpie where the tube enters the others, dummy proof for me.

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