Automatic Satellie on a tripod?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2006
Can this be done?? Anyone have any experience with this type of set up?? ????
Seems like it would be the best of both worlds.
:D Hi steph. Why anyone would want to set an Automatic satellite system on a tripod I don't know? However. It can be done, because I did it when I first got mine.  ;D I couldn't wait to install it on the RV. So I installed it on a tripod with a bird table on top to sit the Automatic Satellite system on to test it out. A table would be just as good. Happy Satelliting and Rv'ing.  ;)
Well, we were thinking that it would be easier????? We don't have to worry as much about stuff getting in the way of the signal (being able to move it around) and don't have to worry about trying to find the signal for Dish Network.
Maybe there is really no reason too do it this way?
IN theory, no reason it could not be done, In practice?  Well, that is another matter.

The automatic domes (Which I am most familure with) are around 3' circles (Motosat T-2 Automotion is 27 1/2 inches around by 12 3/4 inches high)  this means that the wind load for a tripod is not that bad but the weight is on the high side and the physical loads as it moves the antenna round may cause issues,  Also it's BIG for tripod mounting.

However one could make a custom tripod fairly easily that would do it, or use a really strong one.

Nobody does however, that I know of
steph said:
Well, we were thinking that it would be easier????? We don't have to worry as much about stuff getting in the way of the signal (being able to move it around) and don't have to worry about trying to find the signal for Dish Network.
Maybe there is really no reason too do it this way?

:) Hi steph. That is a perfectly logical need and requirement. I realise that lot's of people prefer to park under tress and other obstacles for the purpose of shade away from the Sun and heat. So the need to have a moveable Satellite dish makes sense. Go for it. The tripod and biird table I refer to above, was from when we used to do Karaoke. The tripod is the type used for Speakers. The bird table which fitted one of these tripods was for sitting TV's/Monitor's on. Happy viewing.  ;)
We don't necessarily have to park under trees but it is nice to have a little shade.? I was thinking about trees from other areas of a cg getting in the way.? We are new at this so don't really have anything to go on other than everyones opinions.
I appreciate everyones help.
Once we decide what we will do and try it out I will let you guys know how it does.
Thanks. ;D
I have been in a few campgrounds where you have no choice but to park under trees,,, Every site was tree covered. 

There are, of course, advantaqes to such a site, but quite frankly with the rooftop dome... I'd rather have the treeless overflow lot.

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