AVG free edition virus checker & GMAIL

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Terry A. Brewer

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Has anyone got this edition of AVG to check GMAIL?...If so how did you do it?

At Yuma, AZ
If you're using the POP3 interface to Gmail, it uses a non-standard port and AVG free may not pick it up.  I'm not sure the paid version will either.  Most AV programs only monitor port 110.
? Ned

>>If you're using the POP3 interface to Gmail, it uses a non-standard port and AVG free may not pick it up.? I'm not sure the paid version will either.? Most AV programs only monitor port 110.<<

I tried setting up an entry with port 995 but it wouldn't launch until I unchecked the SSL box in? PocoMail....Of course then GMAIL wouldn't allow it to connect & download.

At Yuma, AZ

I've set up Gmail in several POP3 clients and it works but you do have to read the instructions carefully.  There is a good step by step procedure for setting it up at http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?ctx=gmail&answer=12103  Gmail uses TLS, not SSL, and if Pocomail doesn't support TLS it won't work.

BTW, we're parked at the Jordan's for the next week.

I finally got it to work by doing the following:

>>In some unique cases you have to create servers in the Personal e-mail scanner
manually. The typical case is when you are using secure communication (SSL). In
this case you have to create servers in the Personal e-mail scanner this way:


(AVG Control Center->E-mail scanner->Properties->Personal e-mail
scanner->Properties->Servers tab)

click on Add->Server type->POP3 - protocol for receiving e-mail
messages->Connection->choose Fixed host on the right side of the screen and type
here name of your original POP3 server (pop.gmail.com)->choose port number (995
recommended)->enable the secure communication in the Connection dialogue and
click on OK

click on Add->Server type->SMTP - protocol for sending e-mail
messages->Connection->choose Fixed host on the right side of the screen and type
here name of your original SMTP server->choose port number (995
recommended)->enable the secure communication in the Connection dialogue and
click on OK

Then you have to to set up the account in your e-mail client this way:

server for incoming e-mails:, port number as configured in the
Personal e-mail scanner server for outgoing e-mails: (
disable secure communication in your client.

I didn't do the SMTP part as I use Direcway or Escapees for that part.

Welcome to Yuma...I understand Lorna & Sasha are now banned from Happy Trails for causing such disruption this morning.<BG>

At Yuma, AZ
I didn't look that deep into my AVG but now I found it.  AVG is pretty configurable.  Correct on the SMTP, that should not need to be changed.

I can still go to HT, I just have to go alone :)

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