Battery maintenance

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Randy Troutt

Jul 5, 2015
I've got a 21 foot travel trailer used mainly for weekend getaways.  The only 12volt power used in this is for lighting and every so often to run the blower motor on the heater to take the morning chill off . My question is will a 4 amp solar battery charger work for me to keep the battery charged if left hooked up at all times?
PS Solar Charger does have overcharge protection.
That size solar charger will keep your batteries from running down due to self discharge. Realize that your lights draw in the vicinity of 0.5 to 2 amps for each bulb. You might have a chance if you convert all of your lighting to LED.

Forget it for the heater fan. That charger won't put a dent into the current draw.

If it's in direct sunlight, sure. It will recharge batteries even if you run them down with the furnace fan. Takes awhile, though. Don't expect instant recovery. If you take 20-30 AH from the battery, that charger will take a full day in bright sun to bring it back to 100%.

I gather your trailer isn't plugged into an outlet when stored between trips? Or when camping? Because the trailer has its own charger...

By the way, all your propane-operated appliances use 12v power too, e.g. the fridge, water heater and furnace controller circuit boards. Water pump too.
Did forget the water pump yes , but no it's left in the mountains all week no shore power available  . This camper is old enough that the frigerator requires no 12volt and it has no inverter at all , old school camping  lol
Great Horned Owl said:
That size solar charger will keep your batteries from running down due to self discharge. Realize that your lights draw in the vicinity of 0.5 to 2 amps for each bulb. You might have a chance if you convert all of your lighting to LED.

Forget it for the heater fan. That charger won't put a dent into the current draw.

I agree with Joel for the most part LED lighting can be in the fractional amp range

puck lights are usually right close to 1 amp (like 0.9) 1141s are about 1.5 and 1156 just over 2 amps

A twin tube florcesent is around1.5 amp

You would need at least 2, likely 4 of those solar panels to meet light needs.

IF you have enough battery (Say 200 amp hours worth) monitor state of charge to see if you can run the furnace a bit in the AM.

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